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GNWT-FIN - MV2014L1-0011

Mackenzie Valley Fibreoptics Project: Installation of a buried fibre optic cable system between the existingfibre-based infrastructure at the junction of Highway 1and Highway 7 (McGill Lake Microwave site near Checkpoint Junction) and the Town of lnuvik, NT. Please see Section 3 -Proposed Development in the attached Project Description Report (PDR) for a detailed description of the proposed development.

Accompanied by MV2014X0027.

Transboundary with Dehcho Region, and the Sahtu and Metis Settlement Area, and Gwichin Settlement Area.

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6. Management Plans
Engagement Plan
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2014X0027 MV2014L1-0011 - GNWT- Finance - MVFL Engagement Plan - Feb13-15.pdf (404.89 KB)
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2014X0027 MV2014L1-0011 - GNWT-Finance - Request for review on the WWH Protection Plan - Feb18-15.pdf (237.11 KB)
MV2014X0027 MV2014L1-0011 - GNWT- Finance - MVFL Wildlife and Wildife Habitat Protection Plan - Feb13-15.pdf (1.23 MB)
Sediment and Erosion Control
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2014X0027 MV2014L1-0011 - GNWT-Finance - Sediment and Erosion Control Plan - Approval Letter - Apr23-15.pdf (138.12 KB)
MV2014X0027 MV2014L1-0011 - GNWT-Finance - Sediment and Erosion Control Plan - Staff Report and Comments - Apr23-15.pdf (347.57 KB)
MV2014X0027 MV2014L1-0011 - GNWT-Finance - Request for review on the Sediment and Erosion Control Plan - Feb18-15.pdf (181.62 KB)
MV2014X0027 MV2014L1-0011 - GNWT-Finance - MVFL Erosion and Sediment Control Plan - Feb13-15.pdf (1.39 MB)
Spill - Contingency - Emergency Response
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2014X0027 MV2014L1-0001 - GNWT Finance - MVFL EMP Appendix B Spill Contingency Plan REV3 - Feb14-17.pdf (5.77 MB)
MV2014X0027 MV2014L1-0011 - GNWT-Finance - Spill Contingency Plan - Approval Letter - Apr23-15.pdf (115.42 KB)
MV2014X0027 MV2014L1-0011 - GNWT-Finance - Spill Contingency Plan - Staff Report and Comments - Apr23-15.pdf (307.44 KB)
MV2014X0027 MV2014L1-0011 - GNWT-Finance - Request for review on the Spill Contingency Plan - Feb18-15.pdf (193.24 KB)
MV2014X0027 MV2014L1-0011 - GNWT-FInance - MVFL Spill Contingency Plan - Feb13-15.pdf (2.21 MB)
Waste Management Plan
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2014X0027 MV2014L1-0011 - GNWT-Finance - Waste Management Plan - Approval Letter - Apr23-15.pdf (137.8 KB)
MV2014X0027 MV2014L1-0011 - GNWT-Finance - Request for review on the Waste MGMT Plan - Feb18-15.pdf (189.95 KB)
MV2014X0027 MV2014L1-0011 - GNWT- Finance - MVFL Waste Management Plan - Feb13-15.pdf (280.35 KB)
Waste Rock and Seepage
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2014X0027 MV2014L1-0011 - GNWT-Finance - Waste Management Plan - Staff Report and Comments - Apr23-15.pdf (358.08 KB)
9. GIS Data
GIS Data
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2014X0027 MV2014L1-0011 - GNWT-Finance - (554.04 KB)