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Imperial Oil Limited - MV2013L8-0004

Imperial Oil's Hay River Distribution Terminal is required to conduct hydrostatic testing on one of its above ground tanks in order to maintain compliance with above ground tank standards (API 653) which have been adopted by the National Fire Code. This will require up to 3000m3 of water to be drawn from Hay River. Water will be withdrawn in quantities of 300 m3 daily until there is a sufficient volume in the tank to properly conduct the hydro-test. The discharge pipe will be suspended to a depth of 2 feet from the dock in order to prevent erosion of the river bank or river bed and a suitably sized fish screen for this flow rate will be used at the intake of the hose to minimize impact to aquatic life.  The tank to be hydrostatically tested is clean of hydrocarbons and has been gas freed. Intake from the river will be filtered and then sampled for pH level, metals, BTEX, phenols, total hydrocarbons , and oil & grease per CCME Release Requirements before entering the tank. Once the tank has the required volume of water, it will be held for 48 hours. After this hold period, the water will be sampled for the same parameters from several locations within the tank. The water, when it is deemed to be at comparable testing levels to the intake water, will be discharged back into Hay River at a rate not to exceed 300m3/day. 
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Displaying 1 - 24 of 24
1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
All Issuances
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2013L8-0004 - Imperial Oil - WL Issuance letter with Licence and Conditions and Reasons for Decision - Sept19-13-.pdf (749.46 KB)
External Authorizations
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2013L8-0004 - Imerial Oil - Inspector Authorization to decant - Oct23-13.pdf (1.13 MB)
2. Initial/Renewal Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Imperial Oil Limited - Application Fee Receipt - Nov23_21.pdf (60.77 KB)
MV2013L8-0004 - Imperial Oil - Staff Report for LUP application including comment summary table- Sept19-13.pdf (464.22 KB)
MV2013L8-0004 - Imperial Oil - Additional Information - River Depth - Sept13-13.pdf (52.83 KB)
MV2013L8-0004 - Imperial Oil - Additional Information - CCME Guidelines - Sept13-13.pdf (396.23 KB)
MV2013L8-0004 - Imperial Oil Ltd - Application Complete - Sept4-13.pdf (54.67 KB)
MV2013L8-0004 - Imperial Oil Ltd - Grading plan for the tank farm - Sep4-13.PDF (2.29 MB)
MV2013L8-0004 - Imperial Oil Ltd - Contingency Plan.pdf (84.97 KB)
MV2013L8-0004 - Imperial Oil Ltd - Emergency contact list.pdf (259.93 KB)
MV2013L8-0004 - Imperial Oil Ltd - Site Plan - Sep3-13.xps (196.68 KB)
MV2013L8-0004 - Imperial Oil Ltd - Equipment list and pump specifications - Sep3-13.pdf (336.3 KB)
MV2013L8-0004 - Imperial Oil Ltd - Water Licence application incomplete - Aug29-13.pdf (162.53 KB)
MV2013L8-0004 - Imperial Oil - WL Application and Water use fee receipt - Aug21-13.pdf (78.47 KB)
MV2013L8-0004 - Imperial Oil Ltd - New Type B Water Licence Application - Aug21-13.pdf (1.03 MB)
Consultations - Reviews - Work Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2013L8-0004 - Imperial Oil - Imperial Oil Responds to KFN - Sept9-13.pdf (646.91 KB)
MV2013L8-0004 - Imperial Oil - Request for review and comments on new WL application - Sept5-13.pdf (1.43 MB)
MV2013L8-0004 - Imperial Oil - KFN questions to Imperial Oil re engagement and water testing - Sept5-13.pdf (51.32 KB)
Further Study Requested Sec. 22.2.b
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2013L8-0004 - Imperial Oil - Imperial Oil response to KFN questions - Sept9-13.pdf (646.86 KB)
Preliminary Screening
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2013L8-0004 - Imperial Oil - Preliminary Screening Report for New application - Sept19-13.pdf (244.3 KB)
5. Reports and Studies
Operations and Notifications
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2013L8-0004 - Imperial Oil - Correspondence with Inspector re sampling results and ongoing testing - Oct25-13.pdf (58.09 KB)
MV2013L8-0004 - Imperial Oil - Follow up on water sample lab results - Oct16-13.pdf (61.5 KB)
MV2013L8-0004 - Imperial Oil - Notification of project commencement - Sept25-13.pdf (71.93 KB)
Security and Water Use Fees
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2013L8-0004 - Imperial Oil - Receipt for WL application and water use fee - Aug21-13.pdf (70.28 KB)