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Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. - MV2012L8-0008

Enbridge is applying for a Water Licence to allow waste disposal for two temporary campsites proposed to support the 2012 Integrity Dig Program and other winter operations and maintenance activities. A temporary camp at the Smith Creek gravel pit, KP 325 is located approximately 1 Km SE of Wrigley and a second camp at the Mackenzie Highway campsite, KP 585 is located approximately 50 Km SE of Fort Simpson. These camps are currently permitted under land use permit MV2006P0018.


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
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MV2012L8-0008 - Enbridge - Issuance of Type B WL - Jan10-13.pdf (1.45 MB)
MV2012L8-0008 - Enbridge - Issuance Letter with conditions - Jan10-13.pdf (1.53 MB)