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Northwest Territories Power Corporation - MV2011L4-0002

Taltson Power Plant Renewal Application to replace Water Licence N1L4-0154


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
NTPC - Overhaul Shutdown - Update - May11_23.pdf (126.76 KB)
NTPC - Modification - Fisheries Act Authorization Amendment - Jul28_22.pdf (206.64 KB)
NTPC - Modification - Water Intake Facility - Staff Report and Comments - Jul27_22.pdf (1.01 MB)
NTPC - Modification - Turbine and Generator Refurbishment - Staff Report and Comments - Jul27_22.pdf (336.75 KB)
NTPC - Modification - Public Engagement Plan for Affected Water Users V3 - Jul18_22.pdf (503.7 KB)
NTPC - Modification - Spill Contingency Plan V10 - Jul18_22.pdf (2.31 MB)
NTPC - Modification - Waste Management Plan V10 - Jul18_22.pdf (10.79 MB)
NTPC - Modification - Waste, Spill, Erosion, Engagement - Conformity - Jul18_22.pdf (149.31 KB)
NTPC - Taltson - Approval - Modification - Water Intake Facility - Jul11_22.pdf (354.61 KB)
NTPC - Taltson - Approval - Modification - Turbine and Generator Refurbishment - Jul11_22.pdf (259.09 KB)
NTPC - Taltson Upgrades - Licence Mod and Permit Project Update Cover Letter - May30_22.pdf (110.12 KB)
NTPC - Taltson Upgrades - Licence Mod and Permit Project Update Description - May30_22.pdf (7.38 MB)
NTPC - Taltson Upgrades - Licence Mod and Permit Project Update - Form - May30_22.pdf (496.89 KB)
NTPC - Taltson Upgrades - Licence Mod and Permit Project Update Corresponden - May30_22.pdf (2.16 MB)
NTPC - Taltson Upgrades - Licence Mod and Permit Project Update - EP - May30_22.pdf (486.51 KB)
NTPC - Taltson Upgrades - Licence Mod and Permit Project Update - Log - May30_22.pdf (1.36 MB)
NTPC - Taltson Upgrades - Licence Mod and Permit Project Update - SCP - May30_22.pdf (2.35 MB)
NTPC - Taltson Upgrades - Licence Mod and Permit Project Update - WMP - May30_22.pdf (10.96 MB)
NTPC - Taltson Upgrades - Licence Mod and Permit Project Update - SECP - May30_22.pdf (19.65 MB)
NTPC - Taltson Upgrades - Water Intake Modification - Spill Contingency Plan - Apr22_22.pdf (2.35 MB)
NTPC - Taltson Upgrades - Water Intake Modification - Project Update - Apr22_22.pdf (7.58 MB)
NTPC - Taltson Upgrades - Water Intake Modification - Engagement Plan- Apr22_22.pdf (486.51 KB)
NTPC - Taltson Upgrades - Water Intake Modification - Engagement Log- Apr22_22.pdf (1.28 MB)
NTPC - Taltson Upgrades - Water Intake Modification - Waste Management Plan - Apr22_22.pdf (10.96 MB)
NTPC - Taltson Upgrades - Water Intake Modification - Erosion and Sediment Control Plan- Apr22_22.pdf (15.59 MB)
NTPC - Taltson Upgrades - Water Intake Modification - Cover Letter - Apr22_22.pdf (109.34 KB)
NTPC - Modification - Hydraulic Design, CFD analysis of Rehabilitated Turbine Report, Design Drawings - Apr11_22.pdf (7.26 MB)
NTPC - Modification - Operations under New Turbine - Apr11_22.pdf (166.18 KB)
NTPC - Submission for Modification - Cover Letter - Apr13_22.pdf (126.28 KB)
NTPC - Modification - Scope Summary for Regulatory Submission - Apr11_22.pdf (2.23 MB)
NTPC - Modification - Engagement Plan - Apr11_22.pdf (491.08 KB)
NTPC - Modification - Environmental Impacts Summary - Apr11_22.pdf (7.52 MB)
NTPC - Modification - Inspector Approval for Proposed Water Licence Modifications - Apr11_22.pdf (203.17 KB)