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GNWT-INF - MV2010X0011

Continnuous and ongoing operation and maintenance of the existing NWT Public Highway system within the permit cooridor along the Fort Smith Highway between Km 0 and KM 266 and includes the Hay River Reserve, Sandy Lake, Little Buffalo River Falls and Fort Smith Campground Access Roads and other minor roads along the Fort Smith cooridor.  


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
Final Plan and Clearance
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2010X0011 - GNWT-INF - Final Clearance - Staff Report - Dec4-17.pdf (290.32 KB)
MV2010X0011 - GNWT-INF - Final Clearance Approval Letter - Dec4-17.pdf (265.8 KB)
MV2010X0011 - GNWT-INF - inspector Recommendation for final clearance - Nov6-17.pdf (68.45 KB)
MV2010X0011 - GNWT-INF - Final Plan Submission - Jul14-17.pdf (3.3 MB)
MV2010X0011 - GNWT-INF - Request for Final Inspection and Recommendation - Jul17-17.pdf.pdf (3.55 MB)
MV2010X0011 - GNWT-INF - Request for final plan - Jun19-17.pdf (289.05 KB)
MV2010X0011 - GNWT-DOT - Request for final plan - May24-17.pdf (308.01 KB)