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Avalon Advanced Materials Inc. - MV2010L2-0005

Mining and milling for rare earth elements: niobium, zirconium, tantalum and possibly gallium from the Nechalacho depsoit located at Thor Lake.   Associated with Permit MV2010D0017.

This proceeding has been paused as of September 26, 2014 in accordance with subsection 72.22(1) of the MVRMA. This timeline will recommence on the receipt of Avalon’s responses to interventions. 


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2. Initial/Renewal Application
Public Hearing
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Avalon - Public Hearing Ad - postponement - October 2014.pdf (38.55 KB)
Avalon - LKDFN intervention - Appended - Sep26-14.pdf (65.22 KB)
Avalon - draft Public Hearing Agenda.pdf (194.11 KB)
Avalon - CVs of MVLWB technical consultants.pdf (218.42 KB)
Avalon - Email re additional info requested from LKDFN Intervention.pdf (626 KB)
Avalon - Email re additional info requested from GNWT Intervention.pdf (65.92 KB)
Avalon - GNWT intervention - Sep18-14.pdf (1.33 MB)
Avalon - Emails from Hamlet of Fort Resulotion re Interventions - Sep19-17.pdf (176.54 KB)
Avalon - LKDFN Intervention.pdf (283.58 KB)
Avalon - Notice of extension of deadline for Avalons Intevention response - Sep19-14.pdf (174.59 KB)
Avalon - Notice of Intervention Submissions - Various Organizations - Sep19-14.pdf (3.38 MB)
Avalon - DKFN Intervention and comments on draft WL and LUP.pdf (1.5 MB)
Avalon - YKDFN Intervention.pdf (268.14 KB)
Avalon - EC Intervention Cover Letter.pdf (198.16 KB)
Avalon - EC Intervention.pdf (806.05 KB)
Avalon - GNWT Intervention.pdf (1.92 MB)
Avalon - GNWT Intervention Cover Letter.pdf (126.91 KB)
Avalon - Pre-hearing conference - summary notes.pdf (110.83 KB)
Avalon - NSMA Intervention.pdf (283.74 KB)
Avalon - GNWT followup email from prehearing conference - Sep15-14.pdf (122.07 KB)
Avalon - CANNOR and YKDFN followup emails from prehearing conference - Sep15-14.pdf (105.33 KB)
Avalon - Pre-hearing Conference Agenda - Sep9-14.pdf (144.08 KB)
Avalon - Copy of public hearing ad from newspaper.pdf (45.78 KB)