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Strategic Oil and Gas Ltd. - MV2010L1-0001

Exploration for production and transportation of oil and natural gas in the Cameron Hills.
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2. Initial/Renewal Application
All Issuances
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2010L1-0001 - Motion for a Ruling to re-open the Record Pursuant to Rule 65 - KFN - Dec22-10.pdf (374.63 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - North Arrow and Carrier Sekani Rulings - Nov24-10.pdf (4.86 MB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Motion for Ruling Further Submissions - Nov24-10.pdf (429.16 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Motion for Ruling - Further Submissions - Nov09-10.pdf (88.36 KB)
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2010L1-0001 - Paramount - Chief Roy Fabian et alv The Attorney General of Canada - May6-13.pdf (283.11 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Request to Reopen the Record Received - Jan19-11.pdf (395.91 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - List of Letters Submitted to MVLWB on Behalf of KFN - Jan06-11.pdf (128.61 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Staff Report - Type A WL - Oct29-10.pdf (321.85 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Board Response to Katlodeeche First Nation Motion for Ruling - Dec10-10.pdf (1.68 MB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Proposed Meeting to Discuss Crown Consultation - INAC - Nov26-10.pdf (118.85 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Cameron Hills Monitoring Program Links - Nov23-10.pdf (113.6 KB)
MV2010L1-0001- McDonald and Company Response to Motion for Ruling- Nov22-10.pdf (1003.41 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Schedules for Draft WL - Aug30-10.pdf (172 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Letter Regarding DRAFT Type A Water Licence - Aug20-10.pdf (370.75 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Paramount - IR Response and SENSES Memo - Jul09-10.pdf (32.96 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Water monitoring in Cameron Hills - Jul02-10.pdf (64.99 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Staff Report- Exemption from Preliminary Screening- Jun24-10.pdf (152.99 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Draft Directive 050 - June22-10.pdf (1014.55 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - LUP Application Map - Jun18-10.pdf (761.3 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Board Briefing on Type A WL - Jun11-10.pdf (49.21 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - ERCB Directive 50 - Jun09-10.pdf (4.84 MB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Updated Work Plan Information - May27-10.pdf (147.91 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - ERCB Directive 58_Addendum - May12-10.pdf (92.05 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Pipeline Associated Watercourse Crossings - May12-10.pdf (3.39 MB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Punch and Bore Crossings - May1210.pdf (180.32 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Safety In Grizzly and Black Bear Country - May12-10.pdf (2.66 MB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Temporary Stream Crossing - May12-10.pdf (147.23 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - The Streamkeepers Handbook and Modules - May12-10.pdf (19.29 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - DFO NWT In-Water Const Timing Windows for Protection of FishHabitat - May12-10.pdf (176.07 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - VOL I-Manual on Sampling-Analysis and Data MGMT for Contaminated Sites -1101 - May12-10.pdf (5.73 MB)
MV2010L1-0001 - VOL I-II Manual on Sampling-analysis and Data MGMT for Contaminated Sites 1103 - May12-10.pdf (8.44 MB)
MV2010L1-0001 - All Terrain Vehicles Fish Habitat and You - May12-10.pdf (203.61 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - CCME Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines - May12-10.pdf (53.16 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - DFO PROTOCOL for Winter Water Withdrawal NWT - May12-10.pdf (46.28 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Environmental Guideline for Contanimated Site Remediate - May12-10.pdf (177.64 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Northern Siesmic Ops - May12-10.pdf (4.46 MB)
MV2010L1-0001 - CAPP Geophysical Exploration Practices - May12-10.pdf (69.33 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Guideline for the General MGMT of Hazardous Waste in NWT - May12-10.pdf (98.1 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Ice Bridges and Snow Fills - May12-10.pdf (114.25 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Johannesen Lake Volumes for Paramount 2002-2003.pdf (2.36 MB)
MV2010L1-0001 - DFO Notification Forms - May12-10.pdf (68.07 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Overhead Line Construction - May12-10.pdf (177.65 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Pipeline Abandonment Discussion Paper on Tech and Enviro Issues (Nov 1996) - May12-10.pdf (124.71 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - CAPP Planning Horizontal Directional Drilling for Pipeline Construction - May12-10.pdf (427.18 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - The Navigable Waters Protection Act - Pipeline Crossings - May12-10.pdf (1.14 MB)
MV2010L1-0001 - The Pipeline Industry and the Mirgratory birds Convention Act - May12-10.pdf (607.87 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - CAPP GUIDE Waste Profile Sheets 2006-0023 - May12-10.pdf (6.9 MB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Canada Wide Standard for Petroleum HydroCarbons PHC in Soil - May12-10.pdf (1.95 MB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Part 1 to 4 Environmental Protection Program - May12-10.pdf (43.96 MB)
MV2010L1-0001 - DFO Changes to Protocol for Winter Water Withdrawal NWT - May12-10.pdf (26.38 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - ENV Guidelines Const-Maintenanc-Closure Winter Roads NWT - May12-10.pdf (12.34 MB)
MV2010L1-0001 - ERCB Directive 50 - Drilling Waste MGMT - May12-10.pdf (4.65 MB)
MV2010L1-0001 - ERCB Directive 55 - May12-10.pdf (523.13 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Exception to DFO Winter Water Withdrawal Protocol for Water Source - May12-10.pdf (64.02 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Freshwater Intake End-of-Pipe Fish Screen Guideline - May12-10.pdf (919.66 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Guideline for the MGMT of Waste Batteries - May12-10.pdf (17.47 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Guidelines for Developers for the Protection of Arch sites in NWT - May12-10.pdf (41.23 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - High Pressure Directional Drilling - May12-10.pdf (180.52 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - WM - Instructions for Completing Each Item on the Movement Document - Draft - May12-10.pdf (35.68 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Isolated or Dry Open-cut Stream Crossings - May12-10.pdf (185.15 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Legal Issues Relating to Pipeline Abandonment (May 1997) - May12-10.pdf (230.79 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - ERCB Directive 58 Oilfield Waste Mgmt Req Procedure - May12-10.pdf (8.33 MB)
MV2010L1-0001 - NEB Canada oil and Gas Drilling and Production Regulations - May12-10.pdf (4.06 MB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Remote Drilling Sump Area Winter 2009-2010 Drilling Program.pdf (241.39 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Supprting Documents - May03-10.pdf (339.19 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Staff Report on Draft work Plan - Apr29-10.pdf (294.6 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Work Plan for Type A WL App - Apr29-10.pdf (644.45 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 -Application Map - Feb26-10.pdf (2.14 MB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Application Complete Response from Paramount - Mar19-10.pdf (355 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Bio-Remediation - Mar18-10.pdf (449.51 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Application Deemed Complete - Mar18-10.pdf (168.26 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Work Plan - Mar18-10.pdf (557.97 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Request for Additional Information on Bioremediation Pad - Mar16-10.pdf (58.17 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Drawings on Retention Pond - Mar16-10.pdf (973.65 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Additional Application Information - Mar15-10.pdf (661.5 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - WL Application - Feb26-10.pdf (22.28 MB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Application Incomplete - Feb04-10.pdf (375.39 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Application Fees - Jan12-10.pdf (962.27 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - WL Application - Jan05-10.pdf (6.73 MB)
Consultations - Reviews - Work Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2010L1-0001 - Letter from the Minister - Type A WL - Jan07-11.pdf (79.31 KB)
MV2010L1-0001- Request for Ruling Submissions- Nov10-10.pdf (194.54 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - McDonald and Company Response to Motion for Ruling - Oct15-10.pdf (516.75 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Paramount Respnse to Katlodeeche - Oct08-10.pdf (4.54 MB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Motion for Ruling - Dept of Justice Canada - Oct08-10.pdf (157.35 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Paramount Response to Comments - Sept29-10.pdf (1.83 MB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Request for Comments on Request on Motion for a Ruling - Sept24-10.pdf (175.27 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Comment Received on Draft T and C - ENR - Sept22-10.pdf (103.8 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Comment Received on Draft WL - INAC - Sept22-10.pdf (8.22 MB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Comments Received - Motion on Ruling - KFN - Sept22-10.pdf (1.41 MB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Comment Received on Draft WL - EC - Sept22-10.pdf (199.63 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Comment Received - DFO - Sept21-10.pdf (126.33 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Consultation and Accomodation Protocol - INAC - Sept08-10.pdf (247.83 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Comment Received - DGGFN - Sept07-10.pdf (17.78 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Comment Received - DGGFN - Aug30-10.pdf (34.15 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Link to Section 2.1 - Jul19-10.pdf (64.35 KB)
MV2010L1-0001- No Comment Technical Session - ENR - Jul16-10.pdf (48.22 KB)
MV2010L1-0001- Comment Received - ENR - Jul15-10.pdf (48.25 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Request for Comment Deadline Extention - Jul15-10.pdf (178.37 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Request for Comments - Paramount Response - Jul08-10.pdf (388.38 KB)
MV2010L1-0001 - Paramount Response to IR - Jul08-10.pdf (334.91 KB)