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Northwest Territories Power Corporation - MV2009L4-0004

Bluefish Power Generating Facility: construction of a new primary impoundment dam.
 Accompanied by Permit MV2009X0040.


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5. Reports and Studies
Progress Reports
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2009L4-0004 - NTPC - SEMP And AEMP Weekly Monitoring Report for Sept23 2012 - Oct16-12.pdf (4.56 MB)
MV2009L4-0004 - NTPC - SEMP and AEMP Weekly Monitoring Report for Sept 2 2012 - Oct16-12.pdf (4.57 MB)
MV2009L4-0004 - NTPC - SEMP and AEMP Weekly Monitoring Report for Sept9 2012 - Oct16-12.pdf (4.36 MB)
MV2009L4-0004 - SEMP - AMP Weekly Monitoring Report - Aug13-12.pdf (528.34 KB)
MV2009L4-0004 - NTPC - SEMP and AMP Weekly monitoring report - Aug7-12.pdf (1.96 MB)
MV2009L4-0004 - NTPC - SEMP and AMP weekly montioring report for July 20 and 27-2012 - Jul30-12.pdf (1.87 MB)
MV2009L4-0004 - NTPC - Comments on Dam Break Analysis - EC - Jul19-12.pdf (183.98 KB)
MV2009L4-0004 - NWTPC - Weekly SEMP updates and inspection reports for Jul 6 and July 13 2012 - Jul16-12.pdf (2.6 MB)
MV2009L4-0004 - NWTPC - SEMP AMP weekly montioring report - Jul3-12.pdf (1.4 MB)
MV2009L4-0004 - SEMP and AMP Weekly monitoring report - Jun18-12.pdf (1.05 MB)
MV2009L4-0004 - Weekly monitoring report for SEMP and AMP - Jun9-12.pdf (931.19 KB)
MV2009L4-0004- AMP monthly Report for Sept_Oct_2011- Oct31-11.pdf (367.36 KB)