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Canadian Zinc Corporation - MV2008L2-0002

MV2008T0012 and MV2008D0014     Mining Licence: Operation of mine and mill processing 1200 tonne/day supported by a camp for 110 personnel during normal operations, and up to 150 personnel during construction/advanced exploration.  
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2. Initial/Renewal Application
Public Hearing
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - NDDB final submission on Prairie Creek Mine - Feb15 - 13.pdf (88.96 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Closing Argument for new application - PC - Feb15-13.pdf (224.63 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Written Closing Statements from various organizations - Feb15-13.pdf (4.23 MB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Closing Statement for new application - DCFN - Feb15-13.pdf (34.46 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Response to Undertakings not accepted - Feb12-13.pdf (15.39 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Public Hearing Transcripts for Feb 8 2013 - Nahanni Butte - Feb11-13.pdf (550.37 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008l2-0002 - CZN - Response to undertakings 2 of 2 - Feb11-13.pdf (2.59 MB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Response to undertakings 1 of 2 - Feb11-13.pdf (1.69 MB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Response to Undertakings and Directive - Public Hearing - Feb10-13.pdf (14.73 MB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Response to Undertakings and Directive - Feb8-13.pdf (5.36 MB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Post hearing work plan - Feb8-13.pdf (518.79 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN response to post hearing comment process - Jan25-13.pdf (13.03 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 - Public Hearing Audio Stream - Jan30-13.pdf (287.58 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 - NDDB Intervention - Jan11-13.pdf (180.63 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Canadian Zinc Presentation for Jan 29-31 2012 Public Hearing - Jan25-13.pdf (15.02 MB)
MV2008D0014 MV208T0012 and MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Intervention submision - AANDC - Jan11-13.pdf (4.99 MB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Follow up on cancellation of Nahhani Public Hearing - P Redvers - Feb2-13.pdf (47.57 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Process for public hearing - Oct15-12.pdf (51.84 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - No intervention - ENR - Jan11-13.pdf (105.42 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Public Hearing Attendance - CPAWS-NWT - Jan24-13.pdf (44.8 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Response to Interventions - Jan18-13.pdf (944.98 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Request for procedural Ruling - EC and DFO - Jan23-13.pdf (741.32 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Suggestions for post hearing process - AANDC - Jan24-13.pdf (408.58 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Agenda for Public Hearing - Jan24-13.pdf (871.13 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Intervention process concerns - PC - Jan23-13.pdf (122.54 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 - Public Hearing Transcript Day 1 - Jan30-13.pdf (1.19 MB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 and MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Preliminasry Protocols for Real Time Estimatioin of PC Flows - Jan11-13.pdf (1.61 MB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Closure estimate - Jan25-13.pdf (757.43 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 - Parks Canada Intervention - Jan11-13.pdf (761.79 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Follow-up Information Request to AANDC - Dec11-12.pdf (1.59 MB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - CPAWS NWT Intervention - Jan11-13.pdf (285.77 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 and MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Pre-hearing agenda - Jan16-13.pdf (666.11 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Additional information for Intervention - ENR - Jan14-13.pdf (1.63 MB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Notification of Interventions submitted - Jan13-13 .pdf (66.29 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Undertaking resulting from Public Hearing Jan29-31- 2013 - Feb4-13.pdf (1.73 MB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Intervention Presentation Submission - PC - Jan25-13.pdf (7.12 MB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Canadian Zinc Presentation for Feb 1 2013 Public Hearing - Jan25-13.pdf (11.54 MB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - CZN Response to interventions - Jan22-13.pdf (609.75 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 and MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Public Hearing Interventions - Dec12-12.pdf (699.35 KB)
MV2008D004 MV2008T0012 and MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - EC and DFO Joint Intervention Submission Package - EC and DFO - Jan11-13.pdf (4.01 MB)
MV2008L2-0002 - Public Hearing - Submission of Interventions - Dec13-12.pdf (1.56 MB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Transcripts of Public Hearing - Day 2 - Jan31-13.pdf (1.2 MB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Comment on Pre-Hearing Conference - P Redvers - Jan16-13.pdf (75.16 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Notice of Public Hearing Cancellation - Feb1-13.pdf (565.57 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Post Hearing Process - MVLWB - Jan25-13.pdf (173.53 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Intervention submission - AANDC - Jan25-13.pdf (657.88 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 - CZN - Inetvention submission - PC - Jan11-13.pdf (1.24 MB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Public Hearing Transcript for Day 3 - Jan31-13.pdf (790.66 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - AANDC Response to Undertaking 12 - Public Hearing - Feb6-13.pdf (387.33 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Chuck Blyth Closing Statement - Feb6-13.pdf (72.76 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - NDDB Teleconference Revised Agenda - Feb6-13.pdf (171.96 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - NDDB Teleconference Agenda - Feb5-13.pdf (1.61 MB)
Technical Session
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - AANDC IR Response Dec 10_12.pdf (6.14 MB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Final Report for Real-time Flow Estimate Protocol - Jan24-13.pdf (8.81 MB)
MV2008L2-0002 - Can CCME Guildlines Be Met - Jan02-13.pdf (94.92 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 and MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Technical Session Transcipts for Day 3 - Nov23-12.pdf (941.31 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 and MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Updated graphs from Technical sessison - Dec18-12.pdf (277.63 KB)
MV2008D0014, MV2008T0012, MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Information Request to AANDC - Nov30-12.pdf (1.63 MB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - IR Replies Dec 10_12.pdf (1.03 MB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 and MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - IR Discussion - Dec5-12.pdf (41.88 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 and MV2008L2-0002- CZN - Treated Water Storage concept for discussion only - NBDB - Nov22-12.pdf (86.31 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Technical session dates and location - Nov14-12.pdf (616.73 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 and MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Information Request sent to CZN - Nov29-12.pdf (1.07 MB)
MV2008L2-0002 - AANDC Response to MVLWB IRs - Dec31-12.pdf (145.59 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 - Mill Ditch Water Questions - Dec31-12.pdf (83.2 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 and MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - AANDC Response to MVLWB IR2 CZN WL Process - Dec19-12.pdf (261.59 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - IR Attachments Dec 10_12.pdf (16.75 MB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Dec 17th Mtg Summary - Dec17-12.pdf (135.66 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 and MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Technical Session Transcipts for Day 1 - Nov22-12.pdf (1.18 MB)
MV2008D004 MV2008T0012 and MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - RGC response to additional AANDC IR - Dec21-12.pdf (78.08 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV20008T0012 and MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Technical Session Transcipts for Day 2 - Nov22-12.pdf (1.23 MB)
MV2008L2-0002 - AEMP and Tech Session IR Follow-up - Jan02-13.pdf (179.8 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 and MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Response to MVLWB IR -pHase - Dec14-12.pdf (226.31 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - Canadian Zinc - Technical Session Agenda - Nov20-12.pdf (2.71 MB)
MV2008L2-0002 - Expanded WSP - Jan07-13.pdf (180.99 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 and MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Tecnical Session Agenda and Comment Summart Table - Nov20-12.pdf (7.58 MB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 and MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Revised Information Request - Nov30-12.pdf (213.98 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 and MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Follow up IT from Technical Session - Dec11-12.pdf (620.89 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - IR Discussion with NDDB - Nov30-12.pdf (245.75 KB)
MV208D0014 MV2008T0012 and MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Material presented in Technical Session - Dec18-12.pdf (1.42 MB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 and MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Dec 10 2012 IR Response - Figure 3 in attachment 17 - Jan21-13.pdf (2.52 MB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 and MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Technical Session - Nov28-12.pdf (1.05 MB)
MV2008T0012 MV2008D0014 MV2008L2-002 - CZN - Pre-hearing Conference Sign In - Jan21-13.pdf (46.45 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - IR 2d Watbal Tables Dec 10_12.xlsx (301.9 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Effluent Mix Model Dec 10_12.xlsx (544.24 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Fish tissue graphs Dec 10_12.xlsx (319.49 KB)
GNWT CanZinc Technical Report Appendix C Mine Employee Surve.pdf (663.54 KB)
3. Amendment Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - WL Amendment Application - Incomplete Correspondance - Apr 6_18.pdf (141.77 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - WL Amendment Application - Response to Application Incomplete Letter Apr5_17.pdf (902.96 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - WL Amendment Application - Incomplete - Jan2-18.pdf (140.52 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - WL Amendment Application - Term - Nov14_17.pdf (292.13 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 MV2008D0014 MV2012F0007 - CZN- Security-Abeyance-Schedule amendment - Staff Report and Comments - May21-15 .pdf (2.02 MB)
MV2008L2-0002 - CNZ - MVLWB Response to Abeyance Request - May22-15 .pdf (88.55 KB)
MV2008D0014 AND MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Information Request to CZN - Jan21-14.pdf (191.27 KB)
MV2008D0014 and MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Information Request to AANDC - WL and LUP Security - Jan21-14.pdf (2.03 MB)
MV2008D0014 and MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Letter to MVLWB re security deposit - Dec22-13.pdf (1.79 MB)
MV2008L2-0002 - Request for Information from CZN - Oct22-09.pdf (456.34 KB)
Consultations - Reviews - Work Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2008L2-0002 MV2001L2-0003 - CZN - Amendment - Engagement Concerns - LKFN - Mar1-18.pdf (56.06 KB)
MV2008D0014 and MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Comment on Security Amendment - GNWT- Apr8-14.pdf (235.75 KB)
MV2008D0014 abd MV20008L2-0002 - CZN - GNWT Request for extension to comment deadline - GNWT ENR - Mar21-14.pdf (97.04 KB)