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Canadian Zinc Corporation - MV2008L2-0002

MV2008T0012 and MV2008D0014     Mining Licence: Operation of mine and mill processing 1200 tonne/day supported by a camp for 110 personnel during normal operations, and up to 150 personnel during construction/advanced exploration.  
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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
All Issuances
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Appendix A RFD - MVLWB CZN RFD Flow Ratio - Jul30_13.xlsx (98.75 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Determining Compliance at Prairie Creek Mine to Variable Load Discharge Requirement - Jul30_13.xlsx (59.66 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Revised licence - May27-15.pdf (554.36 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 MV2012F0007 - CNZ - Compliance Dates Request Approval Letter - May22-15.pdf (90.3 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 MV2008D0014 - CNZ- Security Request and Amendment Approval Letter - May22-15.pdf (806.55 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 MV2008D0014 MV2012F0007 - CZN - Reasons for Decision - Amendment Application - May21-15.pdf (304.84 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Directive for Failure Modes and Effects Analysis - Oct23-13.pdf (568.44 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Staff Report for Failure Modes and Effects Analysis Directive - Oct22-13.pdf (124.57 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Issuance letter with Licence and conditions - Sept24-13.pdf (3.17 MB)
MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Minister Approval letter for type A WL - Sept17-13.pdf (254.64 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Minister notificiation of Subsection 81-3 - Additional 30 days - Sept9-13.pdf (42.35 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Subsection 81-3 Invoked - Additonal 30 days to review for consideration - Aug30-13.pdf (46.69 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Reasons for Decisions - Type A WL - Jul30-13.pdf (4.64 MB)
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2008L2-0002 - Fees Received - Jun02-08.pdf (89.78 KB)
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2008L2-0002 - Directive and Work Plan - Aug23-12.pdf (425.48 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 - Response To Information Request Prairie Creek Mine - Nov29-10.pdf (39.51 KB)
Security and Water Use Fees
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Receipt for Water Use Fees - C153039 - Nov14-17.pdf (250.4 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Response to Sept 13 2016 correspondence re outstanding Fees and Reports - Sept13-16.pdf (416.72 KB)
MV2001L2-0003 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Follow up to Outstanding Fees and Reports - Sept13-16.pdf (90.34 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Response to MLWB re Annual WL Fees and Reports - Aug29-16.pdf (126.83 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Request for Reports and outstanding Fees Required - Aug25-16.pdf (181.88 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - PrairieCreek Mine - Acceptance of Security Deposit - GNWT-ENR - Sept1-15.pdf (202.12 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 MV2008D0014 - CZN - IR Request to GNWT re Security - Nov20-14.pdf (49.51 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Information Request on WL Security - GNWT - Nov13-14.pdf (162.17 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 MV2008D0014 - CZN - IR Request re security - GNWT Lands - Nov13-14.pdf (119.3 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Information request fomr MVLWB - Nov4-14.pdf (225.7 KB)
MV2008D0014 and MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - AANDC Response to IR on Security - Distribution list - Feb10-14.pdf (230.04 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Comment on security issue - GNWT - Legislative Assemble Memeber for Nahendeh - Jan15-14.pdf (117.34 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - MVLWB Response on security issue - Jan15-14.pdf (62.47 KB)
MV2008D0014 MV2008T0012 and MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - Reclaim model for security - May15-13.pdf (13.22 KB)
MV2008L2-0002 - CZN - RECLAIM Estimate of Closure Cost - Oct15-12.pdf (77.58 KB)