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DIAND-GIANT - MV2007L8-0031

Giant Mine Remediation Project - an abandoned and orphaned former gold mine located in Yellowknife. Replaces expired water licence N1L2-0043 Referred to Environmental Assessment - EA0809-001 in 2008; Post-EA Information Package submitted April 1, 2019; Board recommended Minister approval of Type A Water Licence August 7, 2020; Issuance of Type A Water Licence September 18, 2020
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6. Management Plans
Assorted Management Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
GMRP - Arsenic Trioxide MMP V2 - Confirmation of conformity - Jun14_24.pdf (537.44 KB)
GMRP - Arsenic Trioxide Frozen Shell MMP Cover Letter V2.0 - May6_24.pdf (114.68 KB)
GMRP - Arsenic Trioxide Frozen Shell MMP V2 - May6_24.pdf (12.32 MB)
GMRP - Dust Management and Monitoring Plan V3.1 - Confirmation of Conformity - May12_23.pdf (149.24 KB)
GMRP – Dust Management and Monitoring Plan V3 - Review Comment Table - May14_23.pdf (498.46 KB)
GMRP - Dust Management and Monitoring Plan V3.1 - Cover letter - May5_23.pdf (242.65 KB)
GMRP - Dust Management and Monitoring Plan V3.1 - May5_23.pdf (13.23 MB)
GMRP - Dust Management and Monitoring Plan V3.1 - V3.0 Comment Response Table - May5_23.pdf (175.27 KB)
GMRP – Revisions Required - Dust Management and Monitoring Plan V3.0 - Apr26_23.pdf (194.28 KB)
GMRP - Dust Management and Monitoring Plan V3.0 - Reviewer Comment Table - Apr26_23.pdf (207.27 KB)
GMRP - Dust Management and Monitoring Plan V3.0 - Cover Letter - Feb10_23.pdf (483.87 KB)
GMRP - Dust Management and Monitoring Plan V3 - Feb9_23.pdf (19.41 MB)
GMRP - Dust MMP V2.1 - Staff Confirmation of Conformity - Jul6_21.pdf (127.35 KB)
GRMP - Dust MMP V2.1 - Cover letter - Jun25-21.pdf (115.01 KB)
GRMP - Dust MMP V2 - Comment Response Table - Jun25-21.pdf (171.73 KB)
GRMP - Dust MMP V2.1 - Jun25-21.pdf (16.78 MB)
GRMP - Link to Traffic MMP - Jun28-21.pdf (101.41 KB)
GMRP - Dust MMP V2 - Staff Report and Comments - Jun17_21.pdf (2.73 MB)
GMRP - Dust MMP V2 - Resubmission Required - Jun4-21.pdf (457.05 KB)
GMRP - Arsenic Trioxide Frozen Shell MMP V1.1 - Staff Confirmation of Conformity - Jun11_21.pdf (128.53 KB)
GMRP - Arsenic Trioxide MMP V1.1 - May28-21.pdf (8.55 MB)
GRMP - Cover Letter - Resubmission of Arsenic Trioxide MMP and Freeze DP - May28-21.pdf (133.29 KB)
GRMP - Arsenic Trioxide MMP and Freeze DP V1 - Comment Response Table - May28-21.pdf (150.36 KB)
GMRP - Dust MMP - Response to City of Yellowknife April 6 letter - Apr27-21.pdf (198.55 KB)
GRMP - Interim Approval - ATM Plan V1 and Freeze Containment Plan V1 - Apr13-21.pdf (441.89 KB)
GMRP - City of Yellowknife Letter RE GMRP Dust MMP V2 - Apr7-21.pdf (1.98 MB)
GMRP - Annual Review of Plans for 2021 - Apr1-21.pdf (124.18 KB)
GMRP - Dust MMP V2 - Cover Letter - Mar15-21.pdf (121.62 KB)
GMRP - GMRP Dust MMP - Pre-Engagement Comment Responses - Mar15-21.pdf (233.6 KB)
GMRP - Dust MMP V2 - Mar15-21.pdf (11.08 MB)
GMRP - Spill and Engagement Plans - Boards Decision - Feb12-21.pdf (593.81 KB)
GMRP - Cover Letter - Arsenic Management and Monitoring Plan V1 - Jan25-21.pdf (93.54 KB)
GMRP - Pre-engagement Comment Response Table for Arsenic Monitoring and Management Plan - Jan25-21.pdf (213.26 KB)
GMRP - Arsenic Trioxide Management and Monitoring Plan V1 - Jan25-21.pdf (5.77 MB)
GMRP - Correspondence Re Off-Site Borrow Required for Phase 1 - Sep11-20.pdf (158.85 KB)
GMRP - Follow up on Submission Requirements - Sep5-14.pdf (120.87 KB)
GMRP - Site Stability Plan Presentation - May22-12.pdf (894.46 KB)
GMRP - Follow up on Site stabilization plan - Feb20-12.pdf (71.94 KB)
GMRP - Emails Re Site Stability Needs-Plan - Dec15-11.pdf (80.92 KB)
GMRP - Reach 6 Baker Creek and Jo Jo Lake Scope Modification - Sep6-11.pdf (2.04 MB)
GMRP - ATM - Supporting Document 16 - Residue Disposal - Dec-02.pdf (6.23 MB)
GMRP - ATM - Supporting Document 15 - Cement Stabilization - Dec-02.pdf (256.6 KB)
GMRP - ATM - Supporting Document 14 - Physical Encapsulation - Dec-02.pdf (3.29 MB)
GMRP - ATM - Supporting Document 13 - Pressure Oxidation Process - Dec-02.pdf (519.06 KB)
GMRP - ATM - Supporting Document 12 - Arsenic Trioxide Purification - Dec-02.pdf (237.65 KB)
GMRP - ATM - Supporting Document 11 - Assessment of Dust Preparation - Dec-02.pdf (1.39 MB)
GMRP - ATM - Supporting Document 10 -Assessment of Deep Disposals - Dec-02.pdf (1.18 MB)
GMRP - ATM - Supporting Document 09 - App_F Surface modifications - Dec-02.pdf (1.43 MB)
GMRP - ATM - Supporting Document 09 - App_E Arctic Foundations Design - Dec-02.pdf (783.62 KB)
GMRP - ATM - Supporting Document 09 - App_D Preliminary Design - Dec-02.pdf (109.62 KB)
GMRP - ATM - Supporting Document 09 - App_B Temp data - Dec-02.pdf (255.11 KB)
GMRP - ATM - Supporting Document 09 - App_A Peer Review of Geotech - Dec-02.pdf (3.36 MB)
GMRP - ATM - Supporting Document 09 - Ground Freezing- Dec-02.pdf (3.91 MB)
GMRP - Arsenic Trioxide Management (ATM) Alternatives Index - Dec-02.pdf (138.57 KB)
GMRP - ATM - Supporting Document 01 - Structural Geology - Dec-02.pdf (4.23 MB)
GMRP - ATM - Supporting Document 04a - Geochemical Characterization of Other Sources - Dec-02.pdf (4.59 MB)
GMRP - ATM - Supporting Document 04b - Tailings Backfill - Dec-02.pdf (559.12 KB)
GMRP - ATM - Supporting Document 06 - Human and Ecological Risk Assessment - Dec-02.pdf (4.66 MB)
GMRP - ATM - Supporting Document 07 - Re-Assessment of Mining Methods-Dust Extraction - Dec-02.pdf (8.34 MB)
GMRP - ATM - Supporting Document 09 - App_C Experimental Thermosyphon - Dec-02.pdf (2.24 MB)
GMRP - ATM - Alternatives - Dec-02.pdf (6.44 MB)
GMRP - ATM - Supporting Document 17 - Estimates of Arsenic Release - Dec-02.pdf (269.76 KB)
GMRP - ATM - Supporting Document 02 - Hydrogeology - Dec-02.pdf (2.45 MB)
GMRP - ATM - Supporting Document 03 - Water Chemistry - Dec-02.pdf (3.46 MB)
GMRP - ATM - Supporting Document 05 - Arsenic Trioxide Dust Properties - Dec-02.pdf (2.54 MB)
GMRP - ATM - Supporting Document 08 - Water Treatment - Dec-02.pdf (2.42 MB)
GMRP - ATM - Supporting Document 18 - Phase 2 Alternatives Risk Assessment - Dec-02.pdf (258.96 KB)
GMRP - Supporting Document 19 - Cost Estimates for Phase 2 Alternatives - Dec-02.pdf (1.33 MB)
Consultations - Reviews - Work Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
GRMP - Engagement Process for Surface Remediation Presentation - Jun9-15.pdf (3.77 MB)
Engagement Plan
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
GMRP - Approval - Engagement Plan V3.1 - Aug30_22.pdf (172.34 KB)
GMRP - Engagement Plan V3.1 - Aug3_22.pdf (2.27 MB)
GMRP - Engagement Plan V3.1 - Cover Letter - Aug3_22.pdf (89.33 KB)
GMRP - Engagement Plan V3.0 - Cover letter - Jun17_22.pdf (133.87 KB)
GMRP - Dust Communications Strategy - Pre-engagement Comment Response Table - Jun17_22.pdf (67.05 KB)
GMRP - Engagement Plan V3.0 - Jun17_22.pdf (2.47 MB)
GMRP - Engagement Evaluation - Pre-Engagement Comment Response Table - Jun17_22.pdf (63.02 KB)
GRMP - EP V2 and SCP V2.0 - Staff Report and Comments - Feb11_21.pdf (689.5 KB)
GRMP - Engagement Plan V2 - Interim Approved - Feb12_21.pdf (593.78 KB)
GMRP - Engagement Plan V2.1 - Mar31-21.pdf (1.97 MB)
GRMP - Engagement Plan V2.1 - Confirmation of Conformity - Mar31-21.pdf (142.62 KB)
GMRP - Engagement Plan V2.1 - Cover Letter - Mar31-21.pdf (120.27 KB)
GRMP - Engagement Plan V2.0 - Board Directive Responses - Mar31-21.pdf (194.34 KB)
GMRP - Engagement Plan V2 - Dec18-20.pdf (8.33 MB)
GRMP - GMWG Draft Memo on Surface Design Engagement - Dec22-14.pdf (322.42 KB)
Sediment and Erosion Control
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
GMRP – Erosion and Sediment Management and Monitoring Plan V3.1 – Apr10_24.pdf (12.83 MB)
GMRP - Erosion and Sediment MMP V3.1 April 2024 - Cover Letter - Apr10_24.pdf (444.67 KB)
GMRP - Erosion and Sediment MMP V3.1 - Confirmation of Conformity - Staff - Apr12_24.pdf (148.06 KB)
GMRP – Revisions Required - Erosion and Sediment Management and Monitoring Plan V3.0 - Mar 19_24.pdf (408.58 KB)
GMRP – Erosion and Sediment Management and Monitoring Plan V3.0 - Review Comment Table - Mar14_24.pdf (428.42 KB)
GMRP - Erosion and Sediment Management and Monitoring Plan V3.0 - Cover letter- Dec4_23.pdf (424.49 KB)
GMRP – Erosion and Sediment Management and Monitoring Plan V3.0 – Dec4_23.pdf (12.85 MB)
GMRP - Erosion and Sediment MMP V2.1 - Staff Confirmation of Conformity - Jul2_21.pdf (127.86 KB)
GRMP - Erosion and Sediment MMP V2.1 - Jun24-21.pdf (9.43 MB)
GRMP - Erosion and Sediment MMP V2.0 - Comment Response Table - Jun24-21.pdf (151.69 KB)
GRMP - Erosion and Sediment MMP V2.1 - Cover letter - Jun24-21.pdf (101.09 KB)
GMRP - Sediment and Erosion MMP V2 - Resubmission Required - Jun4-21.pdf (459.64 KB)
GMRP - Erosion and Sediment MMP V2 - Staff Report and Comments - Jun17_21.pdf (787.95 KB)
GMRP - Erosion and Sediment MMP - Responses to Pre-engagement Comments - Mar24-21.pdf (238.22 KB)
GMRP - Erosion and Sediment MMP V2.0 - Mar23-21.pdf (9.41 MB)
GMRP - Erosion and Sediment MMP - Cover Letter - Mar24-21.pdf (140.29 KB)