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DIAND-GIANT - MV2007L8-0031

Giant Mine Remediation Project - an abandoned and orphaned former gold mine located in Yellowknife. Replaces expired water licence N1L2-0043 Referred to Environmental Assessment - EA0809-001 in 2008; Post-EA Information Package submitted April 1, 2019; Board recommended Minister approval of Type A Water Licence August 7, 2020; Issuance of Type A Water Licence September 18, 2020


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6. Management Plans
Waste Rock and Tailings Management
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
GMRP - Borrow Materials and Explosive Management and Monitoring Plan V2 - Review Comments and Responses - Mar23_23.pdf (202.52 KB)
GMRP - Operation Maintenance and Surveillance Manual - Mar 31_23.pdf (5.84 MB)
GMRP - Tailings Design Plan V 1.1 and Tailings MM Plan V 2.1 - Cover Letter - Mar31_23.pdf (230.38 KB)
GMRP - Tailings Management and Monitoring Plan V2.0 - Response to Board Direction - Mar31_23.pdf (279.25 KB)
GMRP - Tailings Design Plan V1.1 and Tailings MM Plan V2.1 - Board staff conformity - Apr4_23.pdf (150.65 KB)
GMRP - Tailings Management and Monitoring Plan V2.1 - Mar31_23.pdf (16.21 MB)
GMRP - Tailings MM Plan V2.1 - Pre-Engagement Comment Response Table - Mar31_23.pdf (241.35 KB)
GMRP - Approved - Borrow Materials and Explosive Management and Monitoring Plan V2 - Mar27_23.pdf (380.22 KB)
GMRP - Reviewer Comments and Proponent Responses Tailings MMP - Jan11_23.pdf (278.27 KB)
GMRP – Revisions Required - Tailings Design Plan V1 and Tailings Management and Monitoring Plan V2 - Jan13_23.pdf (792.76 KB)
GMRP - Borrow Materials and Explosives MMP V2.0 - Cover Letter - Jan6_23.pdf (85.08 KB)
GMRP - Borrow Materials and Explosives MMP - Pre-Engagement Comment Response Table - Jan6_23.pdf (140.39 KB)
GMRP - Borrow Materials and Explosives MMP V2.0 - Jan6_23.pdf (7.93 MB)
GMRP - Tailings Design Plan V1.0 - Part 01 - Oct4_22.pdf (11.08 MB)
GMRP - Tailings Management and Monitoring Plan V2.0 - Cover Letter - Oct3_22.pdf (93.33 KB)
GMRP - Tailings Management and Monitoring Plan V2.0 - Oct3_22.pdf (14.58 MB)
GMRP - Tailings Management and Monitoring Plan V1.1 - Pre-Engagement Comment Response Table - Oct3_22.pdf (247.88 KB)
GMRP - Tailings Mgmt and Monitoring Plan V1.1 - Pre-Engagement Comment Response Table - Oct3_22.pdf (247.88 KB)
GMRP - Submission Extension - Tailings Monitoring and Management Plan - Staff Report and Comments - Jul29_22.pdf (344.9 KB)
GMRP - Approved - Submission Extension - Tailings Monitoring and Management Plan - Jul25_22.pdf (175.29 KB)
GMRP - Request for Extension - Tailings Management Plan - Jun13_22.pdf (108.21 KB)
GMRP - Borrow Materials and Explosives MMP - Inspector Correspondence - Oct14_21.pdf (86.78 KB)
GMRP - Borrow Materials and Explosives MMP - Correspondence from WSCC - Oct15_21.pdf (281.48 KB)
GMRP - Borrow Materials Explosives MMP V1.3 - Oct14_21.pdf (4.06 MB)
GMRP - Borrow Materials and Explosives MMP V1.3 - Submission Cover Letter - Oct14_21.pdf (84.42 KB)
GMRP - Borrow Materials and Explosives MMP V1.2 - Staff Confirmation of Conformity - Jun30_21.pdf (128.49 KB)
GMRP - Borrow Materials and Explosives MMP V1.1 - Comment Response Table - Jun23-21.pdf (193.91 KB)
GMRP - Borrow Materials and Explosives MMP V1.2 - Cover letter - Jun23-21.pdf (118.53 KB)
GMRP - Borrow Materials and Explosives MMP V1.2 - Jun23-21.pdf (3.9 MB)
GMRP - Borrow Materials and Explosives MMP V1.1- Resubmission Required - Jun4-21.pdf (493.19 KB)
GMRP - Borrow Materials and Explosives MMP V1.1- Staff Report and Comments - Jun17_21.pdf (590.03 KB)
GMRP - Review Comment Deadline Extension on Borrow Materials and Explosives MMP - Approved - Mar25-21.pdf (146.34 KB)
GMRP - Borrow Materials and Explosives MMP - Comment Extension Request - Mar24-21.pdf (116.13 KB)
GMRP - Borrow and Explosives MMP V1.0 - GRMP Response to Conformity Review - Mar11-21.pdf (145.6 KB)
GMRP - Borrow Materials and Explosives MMP V1.1 - Mar11-21.pdf (3.91 MB)
GMRP - Borrow Materials Explosives MMP V1- Cover Letter - Mar1-21.pdf (114.84 KB)
GMRP - Borrow Materials and Explosives MMP V1 - Mar1-21.pdf (4.28 MB)
GMRP - Borrow Materials and Explosives MMP - Response to Pre-engagement Comments - Mar1-21.pdf (233.89 KB)
GMRP - Extension Request - Tailings MMP - Staff Report and Comments - Jan14-21.pdf (383.9 KB)
GMRP - Approval - Request to Extend Submission Deadline of Tailings MMP - Jan20-21.pdf (178.61 KB)
GMRP - Request for Extension for Submission of Tailings MMP - Dec7-20.pdf (94.92 KB)