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DIAND-GIANT - MV2007L8-0031

Giant Mine Remediation Project - an abandoned and orphaned former gold mine located in Yellowknife. Replaces expired water licence N1L2-0043 Referred to Environmental Assessment - EA0809-001 in 2008; Post-EA Information Package submitted April 1, 2019; Board recommended Minister approval of Type A Water Licence August 7, 2020; Issuance of Type A Water Licence September 18, 2020


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5. Reports and Studies
Operations and Notifications
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0097 Mill Pond Ditch Construction Start of Work - Mar12_25.pdf (644.66 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0097 Civil MSA Office Laydown Request and approval - Mar21_25.pdf (1.22 MB)
GMRP - Annual Review of Plans for 2025 - Mar27_25.pdf (532.22 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0062 Start of Work - Feb 14_25.pdf (332.4 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721 - Request and approval -Arsenic Contaminated Waste Temporary Storage North Pond - Mar7_25.pdf (1.19 MB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0049 End of Contract for Early Works Paste Backfill - Mar4_25.pdf (136.21 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0062 Start of Work 20250214 - Inspector approval - Feb24_25.pdf (191.54 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0062 - Start of Work and Board Staff Q and Response - Feb 18_25.pdf (1.51 MB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0097 Civil Works MSA - Office Trailer Complex Start of Work - Jan28_25.pdf (259.92 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0057 Investigative Drilling Program End of Project - Jan22_25.pdf (110.83 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0058-UBC Bridge Resurfacing- Jan14_25.pdf (501.45 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0049 -0057 and -0097 Letter of Acceptance - Off-site Registered Waste Receiver - Jan10_25.pdf (262.79 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0080 Letter of Acceptance - Off-site Registered Waste Receiver -Dec20_24.pdf (119.38 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0005 Underground Care and Maintenance End of Project - Dec19_24.pdf (109.28 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0012 - Request and Approval - Highly Contaminated Waste Storage Area - Nov30_24.pdf (430.75 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0080 Temporary Storage Area Approval Request - Nov26_24.pdf (533.15 KB)
GMRP - Notification of SNP deviation week of Sept 22-28 2024 - Oct11_24.pdf (89.57 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0012 Additional Chemical for Use Onsite - Nov8_24.pdf (490.43 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0107 Submission of Letter of Acceptance - Off-site Registered Waste Receiver -Nov8_24.pdf (275.73 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0107 Offsite Waste Disposal Without LOA - Nov7_24.pdf (71.27 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0012 Temporary Storage of Aggregate Material in South Pond -Rev1 - Oct16_24.pdf (500.75 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0012 Additional Near Water Work for WTP Construction - Oct11_24.pdf (302.93 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0012 Additional Non-hazardous Temporary Storage Area near Biomass Building - Oct11_24.pdf (260.92 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0058 30 Day Spill Report for NW Pumphouse Mine Water Release - Oct1_24.pdf (269.25 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0080 Update to Start of Work and Laydown Area -Sep27_24.pdf (535.95 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0052 Notice of Intent to Cease Discharge Sep20_24.pdf (110.02 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0097 Start of Work for Dynalene Removal - Sep20_24.pdf (220.66 KB)
GMRP - 476721-0097 Start of Work Notification for Dam 2 Decant Decommissioning and approval - Sep13_24.pdf (959.4 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0058 Spill Notificaiton and Inspector communication - Sep4_24.pdf (528.48 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0012 30 Day Spill Report - Sep9__24.pdf (462.73 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0049 Spill Notification- A2 Pit - Sep8_24.pdf (3.01 MB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0058 Spill Notification - Sep4_24.pdf (296.03 KB)
GMRP - LUI Inspector Notification Beaver Dam Removal Baker Creek - Sep3_24.pdf (113.3 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification -Chemicals and Equipment Approval Request and Approval- Jul31_24.pdf (3.65 MB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Investigative Drilling Borehole Decommissioning - Aug12_24.pdf (450.15 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Chemical Approval Request (Jet Lube) and Inspector Approval - Aug12_24.pdf (426.88 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Intent to Discharge- Predischarge sample results - Jul8_24.pdf (335.36 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Start of Work and Laydown Area Notification - Aug7_24.pdf (675.75 KB)
GMRP- LUI Notification and Inspector Response - WTP expanded Laydown Request - Jul24_24.pdf (1.16 MB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - 30 Day Spill Report - Jul30_24.pdf (595.08 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Old Ingraham Trail Repair - Jul24_24.pdf (236.65 KB)
GMRP- LUI Notification and Inspector Response - WTP Back Bay Withdraw and Pump Location - Aug1_24.pdf (1.18 MB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Offsite Waste Letter of Acceptance 20240802 -Aug2_24.pdf (205.08 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - B2 Pit Additional Laydown Area and approval -Jul16_24.pdf (647.84 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Moderate Dust Action Level -Jul16_24.pdf (211.3 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification-Non-Compliance - Vegetation Removal During Nesting Season - Jul15_24.pdf (205.07 KB)
GMRP - Notification of SNP deviation week of July 7 to 13, 2024 - Jul15_24.pdf (220.23 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Notice of bridge repair activities - Jul12_14.pdf (270.05 KB)
GMRP - LUI - Notification of intent to discharge - Toxicity results -Jul9_24.pdf (448.49 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Start of In-Water and Near Water Work for WTP Construction - and approval - Jul5_24.pdf (3.83 MB)
GMRP - Spill Notification 20240509 30-Day Update - Jul3_24.pdf (261.45 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0058 Blast Rock Evaluation -Jul3_24.pdf (262.14 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0052 Notice of Intent to Discharge - Jul2_24.pdf (124.74 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0058 Spill Notification - West Side of UBC Bridge -Jul2_24.pdf (246.56 KB)
GMRP - LUI Inspector Notification - Beaver Dam Removal Baker Creek -Jun26-24.pdf (1.14 MB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - SCMC UBC Bridge Repair -Jun25_24.pdf (730.55 KB)
GMRP - Notification of SNP Deviation June9-15, 2024 - Jun19_24.pdf (646.1 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Offsite Waste Disposal for Offsite Waste Disposal -w correspondance -Jun14_24.pdf (2.08 MB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Spill Notification - 30 day follow up and correspondance - Jun14_24.pdf (1.62 MB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - SCMC Decontamination Facility - Jun13_24.pdf (420.02 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Start of Work Notification - North Gate RFID - Jun10_24.pdf (206.5 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Start of Work Notification Main Gatehouse RFID Pad - Jun7_24.pdf (215.82 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - WTP Request for Revised Laydown in Townsite and correspondance - Jun7_24.pdf (3.99 MB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - 30 Day Spill Report - Jun7_24.pdf (568.29 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Potential Legacy Underground Spill 30-Day Update - May30_24.pdf (455.17 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Use of Additional Fine-Grain Borrow Locations - May30_24.pdf (136.74 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Spill Notification - May29_24.pdf (265.2 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Request for Approval of Non-Haz Waste Staging Area - May28_24.pdf (321.15 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - SCMC Test Pits - May24_24.pdf (1.07 MB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Disposal of Construction Steel Without LOA - May27_24.pdf (110.5 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Request for Temporary Hazardous Waste Storage Area - May17_24.pdf (517.88 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Water Treatment Plant Approval Request - South Tailings Pond Wash Pad and correspondance- May16_24.pdf (576.26 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Start of In-Water and Near Water Work for WTP Construction and correspondance- May16_24.pdf (3.71 MB)
GMRP - Spill Notification ETP - May9_24.pdf (330.07 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Spill Notification - May10_24.pdf (581.31 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Road Modifications - May6_24.pdf (539.23 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - UBC Road Modifications - May3_24.pdf (261.4 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Potential Legacy Underground Spill - and correspondance - May2_24.pdf (565.31 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Water Treatment Plant Notification of Temporary Access Haul Route Construction - Apr23_24.pdf (515.01 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Start of Blasting and Near Water Work WTP Construction - Apr24_24.pdf (231.98 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Minor Spill Notification - w correspondance - Apr22_24.pdf (947.16 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Start of 2024 Landfill Activities - Apr22_24.pdf (110.44 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Water Treatment Plant Notification of Revised Laydown Area - Apr22_24.pdf (855.14 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Offsite Waste Letters of Acceptance - Apr22_24.pdf (337.21 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Offsite Waste Letters of Acceptance - Apr18_24.pdf (532.31 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Restart of Legacy Debris Work Activities - and correspondance - Apr19_24.pdf (982.37 KB)
GMRP - Annual Review of Plans for 2024 - Mar27_24.pdf (527.75 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Early Works Backfill Project Update -Start of Activities - and correspondance - Mar21_24.pdf (354.66 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Start of Work Notification - Mar14_24.pdf (117.38 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Start of Work - Vegetation Clearing (Various) and correspondance - Mar14_24.pdf (566.52 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Additional Lubricants - Mar12_24.pdf (337.69 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Submission of Letter of Acceptance - Off-site Registered Waste Receiver - Mar5_24.pdf (233.44 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Early Works Backfill 2024 Additional Borehole Locations - Mar 6_24.pdf (452.84 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Submission of Letter of Acceptance -Off-site Registered Waste Receiver - Mar6_24.pdf (229.28 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Request for Temporary Hazardous Waste Storage Areas and Inspector Response - Feb23_24.pdf (1.53 MB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Investigative Drilling Additional Holes and Inspector Response - Feb16_24.pdf (1.18 MB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Additional Drilling Fluid Additive and Inspector Response - Feb15_24.pdf (642.1 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Start of Work - Obstruction Removal on Roaster Pad - Feb1_24.pdf (271.61 KB)
GMRP - Start of Work - Vegetation Clearing for Phase-1 Powerline Corridor - Feb1_24.pdf (360.04 KB)
GMRP - LUI Notification - Trapper Creek Culvert Removal and Inspector Response - Feb1_24.pdf (770.92 KB)