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Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. - MV2006P0018

Norman Wells pipeline  


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
Operations and Notifications
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2006P0018 - Notification of Intent to File Type B WL Application - Aug29-12.pdf (813.13 KB)
5. Reports and Studies
Operations and Notifications
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2006P0018 - Enbridge - Winter Work completed at KP 387 - Apr8-13.pdf (36.19 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Enbridge - Notification to AANDC of use of access at KP 81.5 - Mar15-13.pdf (166.51 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Enbridge - AANDC Response to request to increase capacity at KP 585 - Mar13-13.pdf (83.48 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Enbridge - Integrity Dig - Dehcho Access Notification - Feb21-13.pdf (202.25 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Enbridge - Integrity Dig - Dehcho Access Notification - Feb11-13.pdf (467.65 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Enbridge - Notification to AANDC of use of access at KP 336 - Jan21-13.pdf (431.71 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Enbridge - Notification to AANDC of use of access at KP 440 - Jan14-13.pdf (431.45 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Enbridge - Notification to AANDC of commencement of land use operations - Jan4-13.pdf (404.36 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Enbridge Clarification - Campsite Use at KP 102 this winter - Dec11-12.pdf (99.21 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Enbridge - O and MP Book 7 Update - Nov26-12.pdf (6.62 MB)
MV2006P0018 - Notification to AANDC of campsite mobilization at KP585 - Nov7-12.pdf (7.66 MB)
MV2006P0018 - MVLWB correspondence to Enbridge on recommended practice for landfills - Nov5-12.pdf (57.54 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Enbridge notification of LUP Amendment and WL Applications - Oct31-12.pdf (6.4 MB)
MV2006P0018 - Enbridge correspondence on permitting for campsites - Oct17-12.pdf (44.11 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Inspector explains KP325 campsite permitting requirements to Enbridge - Oct17-12.pdf (242.1 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Inspector response to Enbridge notification for campsite at KP325 - Oct15-12.pdf (465.2 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Enbridge - Notification to AANDC of campsite use at KP325 and 2013 Integrity Dig - Oct9-12.pdf (614.71 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Enbridge - Erosion Control Work Plan at Hodgson Creek Site - Aug15-12.pdf (4.09 MB)
MV2006P0018 - Site Access Notification Update to AANDC - Feb29-12.pdf (313.93 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Campsite at KP585 Noification Update to AANDC - Feb29-12.pdf (312.5 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Enbridge inquiry regarding Ice Bridge at PK571 Jean Marie Creek - Feb23-12.pdf (92.19 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Notification to AANDC to open access at KP157.3 - Feb15-12.pdf (306.27 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Notification to AANDC of campsite at KP585 - Feb14-12.pdf (313.61 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Response to Enbridge question about notification requirement for stream crossings - Feb13-12.pdf (1.22 MB)
MV2006P0018 - Notification to DFO of Stream Crossing at KP571 - Feb13-12.pdf (172.81 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Notification to AANDC Sahtu Region - Great Bear River Valve Automatin Project - Jan17-12.pdf (330.18 KB)
MV2006P0018- Notification Letter to AANDC Decho Region- Jan12-12.pdf (190.48 KB)
MV2006P0018- Notification Letter to AANDC Sahtu Region- Jan12-12.pdf (143.14 KB)
MV2006P0018- Winterization Contingency Plan- Oct26-11.pdf (780.32 KB)
MV2006P0018- Monthly Quarry Volumes Adjustment for QP 2011QP0105- Oct25-11.pdf (302.71 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Notice - Installation of Greywater Tank at HWY 415.2 - Aug30-11.pdf (988.57 KB)
MV2006P0018- Inspector response to installation at HWY KM 415.5- Sept21-11.pdf (14.93 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Emergency and Use Operation - Enbridge - Aug20-11.pdf (823.38 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Camp Location Associated wtih Pipeline Leak - NT Spill 11-144 - Jun16-11.pdf (247.02 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Pipeline Leak - Emergency Access Construction - May11-11.pdf (1.6 MB)
MV2006P0018 - 2010 Work Plan - Apr14-10.pdf (395.4 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Instrumental Installation Notice - Jan13-10.pdf (55.32 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Meeting for OM Review - Jun3-09.pdf (14.22 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Enbridge - Notification of 2008 and 2009 winter work - May22-09.pdf (368.48 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Additional Winter Work - Jan20-09.pdf (352.95 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Enbridge - Notification of Borehole Investigation Jan20-09.pdf (167.44 KB)
MV2006P0018 - Letters to INAC - Winter Work - 17Jan-08.pdf (165.14 KB)
MV06P18-EM-ConstructionSchedule-Feb07.pdf (101.75 KB)
MV06P18-EM-D6D-IncidentReport-Jan07.pdf (143.86 KB)
MV06P18-MV02P09-Summary-06IntegrityDigs-Jan07.pdf (1.48 MB)
MV06P18-EM-CampCount Notification-KP311-Jan07.pdf (34.53 KB)