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Pine Point Holding Corporation - MV2006L2-0003

Pine Point Pilot Project (PPPP) - Proposed Pb/Zn pilot plant to confirm the potential to conduct full-scale mining of the remaining 34 known deposits. Produce a bulk sample of approximately 1,000,000 metric tonnes of lead-zinc ore over 12-15 months.
Refer also to Permit MV2011C0015.


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2. Initial/Renewal Application
Preliminary Screening
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV06L2-03 Preliminary Screening Report July29-08.pdf (1.35 MB)
MV06L2-03 Staff Report Preliminary Screening July29-08.pdf (616.34 KB)
MV06L2-03 Preliminary Screening Comments INAC (Jun30) and MV Response.pdf (452.65 KB)
3. Amendment Application
Preliminary Screening
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2006L2-0003- Preliminary Screening Report- Oct13-11.pdf (1012.56 KB)
MV2006L2-0003 - Preliminary Screening Exemption - Sept1-11.pdf (503.84 KB)
MV2006L2-0003 - Staff Report - Preliminary Screenig Exemption - Sept1-11.pdf (304 KB)