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Kodiak Petroleum ULC - MV2006B0038

2D seismic program in Sahtu and Gwichin Settlement Areas within EL413  


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
Final Plan and Clearance
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2006B0038 – Kodiak Petroleum ULC – Final Clearance - Feb25_25.pdf (192.25 KB)
MV2006B0038 - Kodiak Petroleum - Inspector recommendation for closure - GNWT Lands Inspector - Apr6-16.pdf (199.92 KB)
MV2006B0038 - Kodiak - 3rd Requst for a final plan submission - Jul28-15.pdf (199.95 KB)
MV2006B0038 - Final Plan Request - Second Notice - Jul27-11.pdf (134.6 KB)
MV2006B0038 - Final Plan Request - Jan04-10.pdf (176.31 KB)