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De Beers Canada Inc. - Gahcho Kue - MV2005L2-0015

Gahcho Kue Project: open pit mine and diamond processing facility.
Accompanied by Permit MV2021D0009 Previous Permit MV2005C0032.


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6. Management Plans
Sediment and Erosion Control
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De Beers Gahcho Kue - Erosion and Sediment Management Plan V4 - Oct20_14.pdf (7.97 MB)
De Beers Gahcho Kue - Erosion and Sediment Management Plan V3 - Sep2_14.pdf (7.68 MB)
De Beers Gahcho Kue - Erosion and Sediment Management Plan V2 - Jul1_14.pdf (9.44 MB)