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De Beers Canada Inc. - Gahcho Kue - MV2005L2-0015

Gahcho Kue Project: open pit mine and diamond processing facility.
Accompanied by Permit MV2021D0009 Previous Permit MV2005C0032.


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
External Authorizations
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
De Beers Gahcho Kue - Inspector Authorization to Discharge Water from WMP to Lake N11 - Aug28_19.pdf (1.84 MB)
De Beers Gahcho Kue - Inspector Approval Storage of AN Mega Bags - Jan29_19.pdf (335.79 KB)
De Beers Gahcho Kue - Inspectors Authorization to Discharge Water from WMP to Lake N11 - Aug28_18.pdf (73.26 KB)
De Beers Gahcho Kue - Fisheries Act Authorization - Jun30-14.pdf (2.4 MB)
De Beers Gahcho Kue - Authorization letter water discharge - GNWT Lands - Oct31-16.pdf (42.57 KB)
De Beers Gahcho Kue - Inspector Authorization to Discharge Water within the Controlled Area - May31-16.pdf (463.9 KB)
De Beers Gahcho Kue - Inspectors Authorization to Discharge Water within the Controlled Area - May12-16.pdf (228.26 KB)
De Beers Gahcho Kue - Inspectors Authorization Constructing Dyke L Haul Road - Dec15_15.pdf (987.1 KB)
De Beers Gahcho Kue - DFO Letter Acknowledging Completion of Fishout Phase II - Sep9-15.pdf (214.01 KB)
De Beers Gahcho Kue - Applicaiton to DFO - Animal Use Protocol - Mar3_15.pdf (2.68 MB)
De Beers Gahcho Kue - Applicaiton to DFO - Licence to Fish - Mar3_15.pdf (2.89 MB)
De Beers Gahcho Kue - Inspector Approval to Construct and Use Laydowns - Jan21_15.pdf (127.54 KB)
De Beers Gahcho Kue - Inspectors Approval to Discharge from the Oil Water Separater - Oct3_14.pdf (97.96 KB)