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Canadian Natural Resources Limited - MV2004A0042

is planning to abandon the wellbore in early 2005 and conduct reclamation of the wellsite and the associated access road in the summer 2005  


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
All Issuances
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MV2004A0042 - LUP Extension Approval Letter - Jan21-10.pdf (847.96 KB)
MV2004A0042-MV2005X0011-MV2005L8-0004- Fax - LUP - WL to MVEIRB For Review - Jun30-05.pdf (132.8 KB)
MV2004A0042 - Amendment Approved - Jun29-05.pdf (412.24 KB)
MV2004A0042 - Abandonment and Reclamation - NEB Letter-Jan14-05.pdf (126.21 KB)
MV2004A0042 - Fax - MVEIRB - Permit for Review - Dec17-04.pdf (375.88 KB)
MV2004A0042 - Type A Permit Issued - Dec17-04.pdf (1.2 MB)
MV2004A0042 - Preliminary Screening - Dec16-04.pdf (551.46 KB)
MV2004A0042 - Public Notice - Nov22-04.pdf (151.94 KB)