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BHP Billiton Canada Inc. - MV2003L2-0013

Current active licence - W2009L2-0001   Amendment of MV2003L2-0013 (including amalgamation with MV2001L2-0008)   Ekati Diamond Mine - renewal of N7L2-1616


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5. Reports and Studies
Operations and Notifications
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2003L2-0013 - INAC Approval - Commence 2nd Discharge from Cell C - Jul20 09.pdf (82.26 KB)
MV2003L2-0003 - BHP Request to Discharge from Cell E to Leslie Lake - Jul17 09.pdf (4.8 MB)
MV2003L2-0013 - INAC Approval to Commence Discharge - Ekati Cell C and King Pond - Jun26 09.pdf (142.31 KB)
MV2003L2-0013 - Dust Suppression - INAC Approval to Withdraw Water for Road Watering - Jun12 09.pdf (85.18 KB)
MV2003L2-0013 - INAC Approval to Commence Drawdowns - Bear Claw and Desperation - Jun11 09.pdf (93.47 KB)
MV2003L2-0013 - LLCF - Notification of Requirement to Conduct Daily Inspections - INAC Letter to BHP - May08 09.pdf (58.72 KB)
MV2003L2-0013 - INAC Approval for the use of Envirokleen for Dust Suppression - Jan07 09.pdf (61.56 KB)
MV2003L2-0013 - BHP Notification of Cessation of Pumping in Cell E - Jan04 09.pdf (31.04 KB)
MV2003L2-0013 - BHPB Request Approval from INAC to Commence Pumping - King Pond to Kujo - Sep29 08.pdf (1.7 MB)
MV2003L2-0013 - BHPB Request to Commence Discharge from Cell C and INAC Approval Letter - Aug22 08.pdf (152.73 KB)
MV2003L2-0013 - INAC Approval Letter - Commence Pumping at Desperation Pond - Jun27 08.pdf (50.16 KB)
W2007L2-0003 - May 2008 SNP Report - Jul02 08.pdf (1.06 MB)
MV2003L2-0013 - BHPB Notification - Request Approval to use Cell D for Road Watering - Letter from BHP - Jun16 08.pdf (258.24 KB)
MV2003L2-0013 - ALS Predischarge Sample Results from Cell C and Bearclaw Lake - Letter to INAC - May27 08.pdf (627.2 KB)
MV2003L2-0013 - Underground Dust Suppressant Trial Update - BHPs Letter to INAC - Apr15 08.pdf (56.53 KB)
MV2003L2-0013 - Drill Update - Letter from BHP - Apr07 08.pdf (51.25 KB)
MV2003L2-0013 - Sampling Equipment and Procedure - BHP and INAC Correspondence Re Pre-Approval - Apr04 08.pdf (13.44 KB)
MV2003L2-0013 - BHPB Request to Collect Under Ice Samples - INAC Letter of Response - Mar25 08.pdf (24.33 KB)
MV2003L2-0013 - Dust Suppressant Underground Ramp - BHP Letter to INAC - Feb22 08.pdf (152.46 KB)
MV2003L2-0013 - Request Authorization to Discharge Sewage - Letter to INAC - Feb19 08.pdf (92.48 KB)
MV2003L2-0013 - Request Authorization for Sewage Tank Repairs - INAC Letter Of Approval - Feb22 08.pdf (19.81 KB)
MV2003L2-0013 - Sewage Treatment Bypass Completed - BHP Letter to INAC - Mar02 08.pdf (312.83 KB)
MV2003L2-0013 - Pre-Discharge Samples- Request Permanent Authorization To Collect Samples on May 1st Every Year- Dec07.pdf (183.03 KB)
MV2003L2-0013 - Notification of Cessation Of Pumping from Cell E - Dec03 07.pdf (104.37 KB)
MV2003L2-0013 - Dust Suppressant on Misery Road - Review Comments from INAC - Oct07.pdf (22.33 KB)
Request to Collect Pre-Discharge Samples May 1st - Feb23-07.pdf (128.42 KB)
MV2003L3-0013- Commencement of Pumping from Cell E (1616-30) to Leslie Lake- Jun07.pdf (142.73 KB)
MV2003L2-0013 - Requesting Use of DL10 Dust Suppressant On Misery Road - Oct07.pdf (98.05 KB)
MV2003L2-0013 - IACT Meeting and Site Tour- Sep07.pdf (13.23 KB)
MV2002C0040- Ltr to INAC Re Completion of Summer Exploration Activities- Sep07.pdf (30.52 KB)
MV2003L2-0013- Notification Ltr Sep10 Re Construction of Microwave Tower at Dyke C- Sep07.pdf (28.16 KB)
MV2003L2-0013- Notification Re Cessation of Pumping King Pond- Jul07.pdf (27.1 KB)
MV2003L2-0013- Approval Ltr from INAC to Utilize Water from Cell E and D, KingPond and Lac De Gras- Jul07.pdf (244.76 KB)
MV2003L2-0013- Revised Drawdown Plans- Sable and Misery Roads- Jun07.pdf (16.23 KB)
MV2003L2-0013- Drawdown Plans for Falcon Lake and Lac de Gras- Staff Report- Jun07.pdf (567.39 KB)
MV2003L2-0013- Ltr to INAC for Completion of Pumping in Bear Claw Lake- Jun07.pdf (27.25 KB)
MV2003L2-0013- Approval Ltr from INAC to Commence Pumping at King Pond- Jun07.pdf (234.22 KB)
MV2003L3-0013- Approval Ltr from INAC to Discharge from King Pond into Cujo Lake- Jul07.pdf (324.62 KB)
MV2003L2-0013- Board Approval -Falcon Lake, Lac De Gras, Misery and Sable Haul Road Drawdown Plans - Jun07.pdf (1.83 MB)
MV2003L2-0013- INAC Response for Drawdown Plans and Road Watering- Jun07.pdf (355.22 KB)
MV2003L2-0013 - Notification of Application of EK 35 Dust Suppressant to the EKATI Airstrip- Jun07.pdf (29.37 KB)
MV2003L2-0013- Interim Approval to Utilize Water from Paul Lake and Cell E for Dust Suppression- Jun07.pdf (354.76 KB)
MV03L2-13-Landfarm Construction Photos -Jun5-07.pdf (582.46 KB)
MV2003L2-0013- Approval Ltr from INAC to Commence Road Watering Using Water from Cell E and Lac De Gras- Jun07.pdf (12.85 KB)
MV2003L2-0013- Ltr to INAC for the Commencement of Pumping at Desperation Pond and Bearclaw Lake- Jun07.pdf (1.26 MB)
MV2003L2-0013- BHP Response to IEMA Re Fox Minewater Deposition To Cell D- May07.pdf (518.13 KB)
MV2003L2-0013- Approval Ltr from INAC to Commence Pumping at Cell C- May07.pdf (236.86 KB)
MV2003L2-0013- Drawdown Plans- Request for Review- Jun07.pdf (697.62 KB)
MV2003L2-0013- Approval Ltr from INAC to Commence Pumping from Cell E- May07.pdf (20.27 KB)
Approval - request to temporarily discharge raw sewage into Cell A of Long Lake for 1 week - Apr07.pdf (523.89 KB)
MV03L2-13-RepairOfSewageTank-EM-Apr16-07.pdf (321.69 KB)
MV03L2-13- Dewatering of SikSik Pond -Apr07.pdf (1006.37 KB)
MV03L2-13 - Request to Collect Pre-Discharge Samples May 1st- Feb23-07.pdf (79.97 KB)
Request Concerning the Temporary Storage of Glycol at Ekati Mine Site - Mar2-07.pdf (746.71 KB)
MV03L2-13- WLWB Request for Mtg- week of Jan15-07.pdf (12.85 KB)
MV03L2-13-Cessation of Pumping CellE-Dec18-06.pdf (114.05 KB)
Agency Letter on Deposition into Cell D-Oct06.pdf (59.75 KB)
MV03L2-13-EM-NewProposedRoad-westside-LLCF-Sept06.pdf (361.32 KB)
Decanting Cell E Long Lake Containment Facility - SNP 1616-30- Aug06.pdf (1.33 MB)
MV2003L2-0013-Ltr-BHP-RequestUseOfCalciumCl-Sept05.pdf (4.23 MB)
MV03L2-13-StaffRpt-Permanent-use of chloride in the process plant to settle Fox fine clays - Aug06.pdf (535.67 KB)
xxMV03L2-13-faxcov-ChlorideUse-Jul06.pdf (228.92 KB)
Notification - Redirection of Sewage Sludge to Zone S of Panda Waste Rock Pile - Jul06.pdf (29.26 KB)
MV03L2-13-Inspector Approval to Utilize Water from Dyke C, King Pond, Paul Lake and Cell E-Jun06.pdf (48.67 KB)
Notification of Raising Dyke C in the Long Lake Containment Facility (LLCF)-Jul06.pdf (29.98 KB)
Request for Approval to Utilize Water from Dyke C, King Pond, Paul Lake and Cell E for Dust Suppression - Jun5-06.pdf (224.16 KB)
MV2003L2-0013- Notification of the Commencement of Pumping at Bear Claw Lake- Jun06.pdf (265.81 KB)
MV02L2-02-MV03L2-13-MVLWBSiteVisit-May24-06.pdf (12.16 KB)
MV03L2-13-EM-ClosingMiseryCampforSeason-May06.pdf (26.48 KB)
Blip Lake Overflow Incident-May06.pdf (731.13 KB)
MV2003L2-0013-Ltr-Approval-SecondExtension-CalciumChloride-May06.pdf (157.91 KB)
MV2003L2-0013-EM-WeeklyRptMar27-Apr02.pdf (94.37 KB)
MV2003L2-0013-EM- Underground Map - Mar06.pdf (104.14 KB)
MV2003L2-0013 - Sewage System Repairs -Feb06.pdf (659.41 KB)
MV2003L2-0013-EMAT-WeeklyDrillingRpt-Feb12-19-Feb06.pdf (94.64 KB)
MV2003L2-0013-Application and Approval - New Road and Pipeline - West Of Cell B of LLCF - Feb06.pdf (2.01 MB)
MV2003L2-0013-Ltr-FoxOreTrialWAssessRpt-Update-Jan06.pdf (9.61 MB)
MV2003L2-0013-EMAT-WinterRd-JayPipe-PointLkAreaUpdateJan22-29-06.pdf (105.34 KB)
xxMV2003L2-0013-EM-ResponsesToItemsRaisedAtJan10SiteVisit-Jan06.pdf (41.86 KB)
MV2001L2-0008-MV2003L2-0013-EM-NovSiteVisit-Dec05.pdf (1.08 MB)
MV2003L2-0013-Ltr-AllowableWaterUsage Under Part C Item 2-b-i - May05.pdf (87.67 KB)
xxMV2003L2-0013-Chair Response to BHP Ltr of Mar21-05.pdf (207.52 KB)
IACT Meeting Planning -Mar11-05.pdf (13.3 KB)
N7L2-1616-MV2003L2-0013-Temporary Storage ofAN Bags on Shortcut Road-Feb05.pdf (511.63 KB)
MV2003L2-0013-EM-LLCFMeeting-Jan05.pdf (620.02 KB)
xxN7L2-1616_MV03L2-13-IEMA Board Meeting Feb-05.pdf (35.8 KB)
N7L2-1616-EM-LLCFMeeting-Jan05.pdf (620.06 KB)
N7L2-1616-MV2003L2-0013-Temporary Storage of AN Tote Bags on Shortcut Road-Jan21-05.pdf (584.41 KB)