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Canadian Natural Resources Limited - MV2002A0067

Oil and Gas Exploration - Netla Wellsite A-77  


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
Final Plan and Clearance
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2000A0032 MV2001A0092 MV2002A0067 - CNRL - Letter to CNRL Return of ILOCs - NGWT Lands - Oct22-15.pdf (126.23 KB)
MV2002A0067 - CNRL - Final Clearance Letter - Oct8-15.pdf (78.64 KB)
MV2002A0067 - CNRL - Final Clearance - Staff Report - Oct8-15.pdf (199.25 KB)
MV2002A0067 - CNRL - Final Plan Submission - Jun30-15.pdf (1.64 MB)
MV2002A0067- CNRL - Inspector Recommendation for Closure - Apr4-14.pdf (69.04 KB)
MV2002A0067- Final Plan Request- Oct14-11.pdf (118.14 KB)