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Bathurst Inlet Development Ltd. - MV2001X0030

ice road access. fuel storage and camp site  


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Displaying 1 - 14 of 14
1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
Final Plan and Clearance
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2001X0030 - Bathurst Inlet Decelopments (1984) Ltd. - Final Plan Request - May6_11.pdf (79.84 KB)
MV2001X0030 - Bathurst Inlet Decelopments (1984) Ltd. - Final Plan - Nov18_09.pdf (106.43 KB)
MV2001X0030 - Bathurst Inlet Decelopments (1984) Ltd. - Final Plan Request - May6_09.pdf (79.27 KB)
MV2001X0030 - Bathurst Inlet Decelopments (1984) Ltd. - Final Plan - May18_11.pdf (313.21 KB)
MV2001X0030 - Bathurst Inlet Decelopments (1984) Ltd. - Final Plan - Comments from Inspector - May20_11.pdf (16.07 KB)
MV2001X0030- Staff Report for Final Clearance- Oct28-11.pdf (87 KB)
MV2001X0030- Final Clearance- Oct28-11.pdf (95.41 KB)
MV2001X0030- Insepctors recommendation for clearance- Sept6-11.pdf (251.47 KB)
MV2001X0030 - Final Inspection Scheduled - May20-11.pdf (38.54 KB)
MV2001X0030 - Final Plan - May19-11.pdf (437.72 KB)
MV2001X0030 - Final Plan Request - May06-11.pdf (133.71 KB)
MV2001X0030 - Final Plan - Nov18-09.pdf (268.6 KB)
MV2001X0030 - Final Plan Request - May6-09.pdf (113.41 KB)
2. Initial/Renewal Application
Final Plan and Clearance
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2001X0030 - Bathurst Inlet Decelopments (1984) Ltd. - FInal Clearance Letter Fax Notification - Oct27_11.pdf (32.5 KB)