MV2001L2-0002 - Technical Memorandum - T4 Soil Sampling - Recommendations - Aug31-12.pdf (2.77 MB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - DeBeers Canada - Notice of operation commencement - Jul6-12.pdf (46.43 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - DeBeers Canada - Notice of intension to commence dredging - Operations - Jul6-12.pdf (44.96 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Notification of Quarrying activities starting June 8 - Jun7-12.pdf (718.43 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Notification on Emergency Measures - May16-12.pdf (345.35 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Emergency Response Measures - May10-12.pdf (239.16 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - DeBeers response to reclamation status reviewer comments - May7-12.pdf (206.99 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - DeBeers response to reclamation status reviewer comments - Appendix C - May7-12.pdf (3.29 MB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - DeBeers response to review comments on Reclamation status report - Appendix B - May1-12.pdf (4.69 MB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Notification for Removal of snow and ice berms and grubbing - Apr23-12.pdf (203.24 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Annual Waste Inventory -- Apr17-12.pdf (321.72 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Notice to Inspector Winter Road Closure - Apr5-12.pdf (29.3 KB) |
MV2001L2-002 - March 2012 Update - Apr4-12.pdf (2.09 MB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - ISO Assessment Follow Up Report Letter from DeBeers - Apr3-12.pdf (272.28 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Discharge from SNP 02-17 - 48 Hours Notice - Mar05-12.pdf (128.18 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Notification Quarrying activies from DeBeers - Feb29-12.pdf (1.75 MB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Notification of commencement of work for the IL6 Diversion ditch - Feb24-12.pdf (48.99 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002- Winter Road Commencement Notice- Jan10-12.pdf (149.04 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002- update to emergency Measures- Jan3-12.pdf (278.47 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002- Notice of Winter Road Commencement- Jan3-12.pdf (146.61 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002- Notice of completion of construction - Dec19-11.pdf (3.42 MB) |
MV2001L2-0002- Letter to DFO for close out of minewater outfall- DeBeers- Dec19-11.pdf (2.77 MB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Notification of completion of construction - Dec16-11.pdf (1.73 MB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Landfarm Operating Procedures for Snap Lake Mine - Dec08-11.pdf (314.97 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002- Notice of Reactivation of Temporary Accomodation- DeBeers- Dec6-11.pdf (219.11 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002- Notification of temporary accomodation provisions at Snap Lake- Dec6-11.pdf (216.43 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002- SLEMA Update for October 2011- Nov7-11.pdf (904.82 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Nitrate Discharge - Incident Investigation Report - Oct03-11.pdf (252.44 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002- SLEMA September update- Sept30-11.pdf (454.91 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002- Emergency Authorization to divert and redriect mine water- AANDC- Sept28-11.pdf (167.2 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Air Quality Monitoring Equipment Malfunction Notice - Sept01-11.pdf (119.94 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002- Diffuser Notice of Commencement of Work- Aug9-11.pdf (39.6 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Replacement of treated effluent pipeline and diffuser - Jul07-11.pdf (94.97 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Mine Outfall Pipeline and Diffuser Replacement - Jul05-11.pdf (130.15 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Notice of Changes in the Organization - Jun30-11.pdf (49.28 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002- Notification- Mine Outfall Pipeline and Diffuser Replacement- Jun7-11.pdf (7.87 MB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Recent Drill Site Spills - Mitigation Measures - Jun02-11.pdf (283.7 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Snap Lake - Flumes - May24-11.pdf (3.4 MB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Spur Road Improvements Notification - Mar24-11.pdf (572.81 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Notice to Inspector - Ice Road Construction - Mar03-11.pdf (708.12 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - DeBeers Response to Overdue Reports Letter - Dec07-10.pdf (349.89 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002- Over-due Reports- Nov16-10.pdf (177.25 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002- Request for Further Information- INAC- Nov12-10.pdf (98.4 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Notice to Inspector Camp Construction - Sept 23-10.pdf (36.52 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - East Cell Construction Update - May04-10.pdf (2.28 MB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Notice of Construction of Cement Handling BLD - Apr20-10.pdf (301.22 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Raw Water Quality Data Online - Apr08-10.pdf (426.22 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Notice to Inspector Ice Road Improvements - Mar30-10.pdf (35.65 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - SLEMA Comments on DeBeers Various Reports - Mar10-10.pdf (334.49 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Comment Deadline for Raw Data - Feb02-10.pdf (60.52 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Raw Water Quality Data Request - Feb12-10.pdf (169.28 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - BCI Reply re Raw Data Request - Mar01-10.pdf (37.29 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Notice of Construction Ice Road - Jan06-10.pdf (59.21 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Work Request Denial - Nov05-09.pdf (354.2 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - INAC Response to Grubbing Request - Oct26-09.pdf (656.01 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Staff Report - Notification of Activity - Oct22-09.pdf (410.47 KB) |
MV01L2-02 DFO response to east cell grubbing request oct 09.pdf (26.73 KB) |
MV01L2-02 GNWT ENR comments - East Cell Grubbing.pdf (54.56 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Request for Approval - N. Pile East Cell - Sept20-09.pdf (2.73 MB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Fire Suppression Notification - Aug12-09.pdf (173.82 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Confirmation of Activities Request - Temp Shut-down - Jul 16-09.pdf (237.26 KB) |
VM2001L2-0002 - Decision for Modification of Starter Cell Request - Jul2-09.pdf (99.35 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Staff Report - Starter Cell Modification Request - Jul 2-09 - Jul 6-09.pdf (118.51 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002-MV2001C0012 - Staff Report Temp Shutdown - Jul 2-09 - Jul6-09.pdf (252.75 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002 - Shut down notification - May8-09.pdf (5.99 MB) |
MV2001L2-0002 -Phase3 Embankment Raise-Request for Review - Apr27-09.pdf (226.18 KB) |
MV01L2-02 Fire Supression System Discharge Authorization May.16-08.pdf (151.88 KB) |
MV01L2-01 Increase Explosives Water Quality Model May 1-08.pdf (329.28 KB) |
MV01L2-02 Final ANFO Storage IR Response May 1-08.pdf (37.43 KB) |
MV01L2-02 Fireline Testing Water Release Approval Apr.24-08.pdf (280.94 KB) |
MV01L2-02 Approval for Vent Raise Access Road Apr.14-08.pdf (160.1 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002-EM-SampleHoldingTimes-Feb05.pdf (53.74 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002-Ltr-InlandLk-WinterAccessRd-Nov05.pdf (1.81 MB) |
MV01L2-02WorkingGrpMeeting-Dec5-07.pdf (270.42 KB) |
MV01L2-02-DrillHoles-Ltr-DFO-Nov07.pdf (355.91 KB) |
MV01L2-02- Letter of Non-Compliance - Water Treatment Plant High pH Discharge- Oct22-07.pdf (367.46 KB) |
MV01L2-02 - Notification of Commissioning of Processing Plant - Aug15-07.pdf (191.89 KB) |
MV01L2-02-DiffuserUpdate-Ltr-DBCI-Jun07.pdf (621.19 KB) |
MV01L2-02-Treatment Plant Commissioned- -Jun07.pdf (71.38 KB) |
Information Request Regarding Water Management Pond _ Water Treatment Plant-Mar26-07.pdf (357.87 KB) |
MV01C12-MV01L2-02-Memo-INAC-STPStatus-Feb06-Mar07.pdf (262.39 KB) |
BGC Report re Contingency Storage in WMP.pdf (170.73 KB) |
MV01C12-MV01L2-02- Sewage Treatment Plant Status - INAC Memo- Feb06-07.pdf (262.39 KB) |
Amendment to Approval of Fish Screen for the Temporary Water Intake-Nov06.pdf (41.81 KB) |
MV01L2-02-NotificationtoUseTreatedWater-Aug06.pdf (85 KB) |
MV01C12-MV01L2-02-Notification-UseTreatedWater-Aug06.pdf (102.92 KB) |
xxMV01L2-02-EM-StormRunoff-SpillAirstrip-Jul06.pdf (41.54 KB) |
Airstrip Deicing Facilities Storm Runoff and Spill Containment Design 2006.6.14.pdf (5.9 MB) |
MV01L2-02-Sewage Treatment Plant Commissioned- Jun06.pdf (52.47 KB) |
MV01L2-02-EM-STP-Commissioning-Jun06.pdf (178.38 KB) |
MV01L2-02- Snap Lake Freeboard Limits Met - May06.pdf (34.58 KB) |
MV2001C0012-L2-0002-fax-FreeboardLimit-May06.pdf (147.41 KB) |
MV01L2-02-Summer06Snapshot-May06.pdf (83.5 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002-SLWGMeeting8-Mar3-06.pdf (951.2 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002-EM-Transcript-SLWGMtg7-Mar06.pdf (311.24 KB) |
MV2001L2-0002-EM-Feb1SLWGMeeting-Feb06.pdf (623.07 KB) |