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Stan Dean & Sons - MV2001E0008

put in an ice road across lakes.ponds and existing land portages from Wekweti community to colomac Junction.


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
Final Plan and Clearance
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2001E0008-Fax Letter-LUP Final Clearance-Oct 22_2007.pdf (159.23 KB)
MV2001E0008-Fax Letter-LUP Final Clearance Corrected-Oct 22_2007.pdf (168.47 KB)
MV2001E0008-Email From Clint Ambrose Re Closure to LUP-Oct07.pdf (21.84 KB)
MV2001E0008-faxltr-toINAC-ReFinalPlan-Closure-Aug07.pdf (257.79 KB)
MV2001E0008-Ltr-ReFinalPlanForClosureToPermit-Aug07.pdf (212.34 KB)
MV01E08-FinalPlanNotice-Jul07.pdf (97.37 KB)
MV2001E0008-Fax-FYI-FPReq-WinterRd-IndinLkToWekweti-Mar06.pdf (130.67 KB)