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Stan Dean & Sons - MV2000Q0068

Clear pit area and prepare for the removal of granular material. This material would be used for various local and government projects  


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
Final Plan and Clearance
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2000Q0068 - Correction toFinal Clearance - Aug8-11.pdf (130.08 KB)
MV2000Q0068 - Final Clearance - May12-11.pdf (194.62 KB)
MV2000Q0068 - Staff Report - Final Clearance - May12-11.pdf (119.82 KB)
MV2000Q0068 - Final Inspection - Apr19-11.pdf (241.73 KB)
MV2000Q0068- Request for Final Plan Verfication- Oct26-10.pdf (59.36 KB)
MV2000Q0068 - Final plan - Oct25-10.pdf (427.08 KB)
MV2000Q0068 - Finall Plan Request - May27-09.pdf (121.78 KB)
xxMV2000Q0068 - Final Plans Coming - Jan29-09.pdf (65.37 KB)
MV00Q68 Final Plan Request - Second Notice Dec11-08.pdf (134.06 KB)
MV00Q68 Final Plan Status Update Sep22-08.pdf (33.75 KB)
MV00Q68 Final Inspection Request Feb.27-08.pdf (118.58 KB)
MV00Q68 Final Plan Request Feb.07-08.pdf (154.42 KB)