Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2011C0015 |
MV2011C0015 and MV2006L2-0003 - Tamerlane - Exploration Agreement between Tamerlane and DKFN - May3-13.pdf (359 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV2011C0015 and MV2006L2-0003 - Tamerlane - Exploration Agreement between Tamerlane and DKFN - May3-13.pdf (359 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV2006L2-0003 - Tamerlane Ventures - Public Engagement Plan - Feb12-13.pdf (72.18 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV2006L2-0003 - Requeset to amend reporting deadlines - Apr27-12.pdf (113.05 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2011C0015 |
MV2011C0015 - Staff Report for Amendment - Mar16-12.pdf (1.22 MB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2011C0015 |
MV2011C0015 - Workplan Deviation - Feb16-12.pdf (300.48 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2011C0015 |
MV2011C0015 - Updated Workplan and Due Dates - Jan27-12.pdf (601.01 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV2006L2-0003 - Updated Workplan and Due Dates - Jan27-12.pdf (600.95 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2011C0015 |
MV2011C0015- Updated Work plan- Nov18-11.pdf (121.7 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV2006L2-0003- Updated Work plan- Nov18-11.pdf (121.54 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2011C0015 |
MV2011C0015 - Draft Land Use Permit - Oct14-11.pdf (378.03 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2011C0015 |
MV2011C0015- Request for Revised Map- Oct14-11.pdf (66.73 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2011C0015 |
MV2011C0015- Staff Report new LUP- Oct13-11.pdf (189.95 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2011C0015 |
MV2011C0015 - Staff Report - DRAFT Work Plan - Sept1-11.pdf (425.27 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2011C0015 |
MV2011C0015 - Final Work Plan - Sept1-11.pdf (839.75 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2011C0015 |
MV2011C0015 - MV2006L2-0003 - Response to AANDC Work Plan Questions - Aug22-11.pdf (654.44 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2011C0015 |
MV2011C0015 - Staff Report - 22 2(b) - Aug18-11.pdf (222.57 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2011C0015 |
MV2011C0015 - MV2006L2-0003 - Further Study Requested - Aug-18-11.pdf (480.3 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV2006L2-0003 - Application Reponse - Additional Information - Aug08-11.pdf (389.82 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2011C0015 |
MV2011C0015- Application Response- Additional Information- Aug5-11.pdf (357.92 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2011C0015 |
MV2011C0015 - Application Incomplete - Jul28-11.pdf (199.35 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2011C0015 |
MV2011C0015 - New Land Use Application - Jul22-11.pdf (17.76 MB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2011C0015 |
MV2011C0015 - Application and Land Use Fees - Jul22-11.pdf (91.79 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2011C0015 |
MV2011C0015 - Application -Community Engagement - including presentation- Jul22-11.pdf (3.6 MB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV2006L2-0003 - Incomplete Application - Mining Questionnaire - Mar08-11.pdf (88.73 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV2006L2-0003 - Water Licence Renewal Application Incomplete - Mar03-11.pdf (315.7 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV2006L2-0003 - Request for Two Year Extension - Type A WL - Feb28-11.pdf (684.76 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV2006L2-0003 - Contact Information - Oct15-10.pdf (973.4 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV06L2-03 Timeline for Consideration Extended 30 Days Jan09-09.pdf (77.2 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV06L2-03 INAC Minister Received Dec12 Letter Dec23-08.pdf (56.71 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV06L2-03 Notice of faxed application Dec12-08.pdf (74.21 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV06L203 Letter Indicating Final Sale of Transload facility to CN Sep30-08.pdf (65.75 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV06L2-03 Co-ordinates of the Primary and Secondary Injection well Sep23-08.pdf (59.8 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV06L2-03 Lab Report 17768 Additional Testing Aug14-08.pdf (116.13 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV06L2-03 TAM Detailed Drawings 1 of 6 Aug05-08.pdf (5.59 MB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV06L2-03 TAM Detailed Drawings 2 of 6 Aug05-08.pdf (831.33 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV06L2-03 TAM Detailed Drawings 5 of 6 Aug05-08.pdf (260.13 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV06L2-03 TAM Detailed Drawings 3 of 6 Aug05-08.pdf (1.82 MB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV06L2-03 TAM Detailed Drawings 4 of 6 Aug05-08.pdf (165.69 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV06L2-03 TAM Detailed Drawings 6 of 6 Aug05-08.pdf (2.75 MB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV06L2-03 Hazmat Disposal - Clarification- Hay River Landfill- July21-08.pdf (77.24 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV06L2-03 TAM CPD Report and SCP Review Comments INAC July15-08.pdf (431.08 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV06L2-03 Further Information Explosives Storage EM Jun19-08.pdf (60.83 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV06L2-03 Additional Information Review STHA Jun18-08.pdf (1.31 MB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV06L2-03 Response to STHA Concerns Jun17-08.pdf (1.31 MB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV06C14-MV06L2-03-faxcov-dislist-additionalinfo-review-Jun06.pdf (179.87 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV06C14-MV06L2-03-MDAGFollowup- Dense Media Separation-Jun06.pdf (3.26 MB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV06C14-MV06L2-03- DMS discussion-Jun06.pdf (12.95 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV06C14-MV06L2-03-DKFN-Tamerlane Exploration Agreement-May15-07.pdf (114.36 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV06L2-03 LUP and WL of PPPP Work Plan May29-08.pdf (830.65 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV06L2-03 Work Plan Explained to Edmonton Journal May16-08.pdf (115.55 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV2006L2-0003 - DKFN Request Meeting with MVLWB-Mar25-08.pdf (145.24 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV06L2-03 Consolidated Project Description Feb.29-08.pdf (8.16 MB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV06L2-03-Application-Jun06.pdf (364.14 KB) |
Pine Point Holding Corporation |
MV2006L2-0003 |
MV06L2-03- Application Deemed Complete-Jun06.pdf (169.43 KB) |