Fort Smith Construction NT Ltd. |
MV2016Q0036 |
Ft Smith Construction - New QP 2023QP0013 - Letter - Jun26_23.pdf (154.12 KB) |
Fort Smith Construction NT Ltd. |
MV2016Q0036 |
Ft Smith Construction - New QP 2023QP0013 - Permit - Jun26_23.pdf (62.3 KB) |
Fort Smith Construction NT Ltd. |
MV2016Q0036 |
Ft Smith Construction - Final Quarry Pit Return - Verification - May17_23.pdf (472.95 KB) |
TDC Contracting Ltd. |
MV2018Q0019 |
TDC Contracting Ltd. - Quarry Permit MV2021QP0029 - Aug17_21.pdf (574.82 KB) |
TDC Contracting Ltd. |
MV2018Q0019 |
TDC Contracting Ltd. - 2021QP0029 Quarry Permit Letter - Aug17_21.pdf (230.14 KB) |
TDC Contracting Ltd. |
MV2018Q0019 |
TDC Contracting Ltd - 2021QP0006 - Final Quarry Pit Return Letter from GNWT - Aug6_21.pdf (260.15 KB) |
Fort Smith Construction NT Ltd. |
MV2016Q0036 |
Ft Smith Construction - 2021QP0011 - Pit Return Verification - Apr29-21.pdf (84.76 KB) |
Fort Smith Construction NT Ltd. |
MV2016Q0036 |
Ft Smith Construction - Quarry Final Pit Run Verification - Apr15-21.pdf (88.78 KB) |
Fort Smith Construction NT Ltd. |
MV2016Q0036 |
Ft Smith Construction - 2021QP0011 - Quarry Permit - Apr15-21.pdf (232.59 KB) |
Fort Smith Construction NT Ltd. |
MV2016Q0036 |
Ft Smith Construction - Quarry Permit Issuance Letter - Apr15-21.pdf (98.55 KB) |
Fort Smith Construction NT Ltd. |
MV2016Q0036 |
Ft Smith Construction - Quarry Permit Issuance - Salt Mountain, Hwy 5 - Apr14-21.pdf (290.3 KB) |
Kenneth Hudson |
MV2012Q0020 |
MV2012Q0020 - Kenneth Hudson - Final Verification of QP 2017QP0014 - GNWT Lands - Feb 9_21.PDF (108.72 KB) |
TDC Contracting Ltd. |
MV2018Q0019 |
MV2018Q0019 - TDC Contracting Ltd. - 2019QP0041 - Quarry Pit Return Verification - Jan26-21.PDF (82.06 KB) |
TDC Contracting Ltd. |
MV2018Q0019 |
MV2018Q0019 - TDC Contracting Ltd. - 2021QP0006 - Quarry Permit Issuance Letter - Jan26-21.PDF (99.65 KB) |
TDC Contracting Ltd. |
MV2018Q0019 |
MV2018Q0019 - TDC Contracting Ltd. - 2021QP0006 - Quarry Permit - Jan26-21.PDF (227.64 KB) |
TDC Contracting Ltd. |
MV2018Q0019 |
MV2018Q0019 - TDC Contracting - Issuance of Quarry Permit - Jan26-21.pdf (314.29 KB) |
TDC Contracting Ltd. |
MV2018Q0019 |
MV2018Q0019 - TDC Contracting - 2019QP0041 - Final Quarry Pit Return Verification Letter - Jan26-21.PDF (82.06 KB) |
TDC Contracting Ltd. |
MV2018Q0019 |
MV2018Q0019 - TDC Contracting Ltd. - 2018QP0019 - Final Quarry Pit Return Verification Letter from GNWT - May22-20.pdf (510.99 KB) |
TDC Contracting Ltd. |
MV2018Q0019 |
MV2018Q0019 - TDC Contracting Ltd. - Quarry Permit - May4-20.pdf (1.28 MB) |
Fort Smith Construction NT Ltd. |
MV2016Q0036 |
Ft Smith Construction - Final verification of 2016QP0034 and Issuance of 2019QP0034 - GNWT Lands - Jul4-19.pdf (554.2 KB) |
Fort Smith Construction NT Ltd. |
MV2016Q0036 |
Ft Smith Construction - Receipt of Quarry Permit Application - GNWT Lands - May17-19.pdf (225.82 KB) |
Borderline Contracting Ltd O-A 6291 NWT Ltd |
MV2013Q0009 |
MV2013Q0009 - Borderline Contracting Ltd - Final QP Return - Verification 2015QP0026 - GNWT Lands - Feb20-19.pdf (96.42 KB) |
Berton Construction & Rentals |
MV2016Q0002 |
MV2016Q0002 - Berton Construction - Final QP Return - Verification of 2015QP0031 - GNWT Lands - Oct23-18.pdf (92.08 KB) |
Trappers Trucking Ltd. |
MV2009Q0010 |
MV2009Q0010 - Trappers Trucking - GNWT Quarry permit fees.pdf (487.96 KB) |
Trappers Trucking Ltd. |
MV2009Q0010 |
MV2009Q0010 - Trappers Trucking - Expired QP - 2014QP0044 - GNWT Lands - Mar6-18.pdf (147.57 KB) |
Kenneth Hudson |
MV2012Q0020 |
MV2012Q0020 - Kenneth Hudson - Issuance of QP 2017QP0014 - GNWT Lands - May24-17.pdf (250.46 KB) |
Fort Smith Construction NT Ltd. |
MV2016Q0036 |
Ft Smith Construction - Issuance of QP 2016QP0034 - GNWT Lands - Dec21-16.pdf (324.16 KB) |
Fort Smith Construction NT Ltd. |
MV2016Q0036 |
Ft Smith Construction - QP Application consultation - GNWT Lands - Nov3-16.pdf (219.59 KB) |
Kenneth Hudson |
MV2012Q0020 |
MV2012Q0020 - Ken Hudson - Final QP Return Verification 2014QP0038 - GNWT Lands - Oct5-15.pdf (65.95 KB) |
Berton Construction & Rentals |
MV2009Q0003 |
MV2009Q0003 - Berton Construction - QP Issuance letter 2015QP0031 - GNWT Lands - Jul17-15.pdf (238.73 KB) |
Berton Construction & Rentals |
MV2016Q0002 |
MV2016Q0002 - Berton Construction - New QP Issuance - GNWT Lands - Jul17-15.pdf (275.94 KB) |
Borderline Contracting Ltd O-A 6291 NWT Ltd |
MV2013Q0009 |
MV2013Q0009 - Borderline Contracting Ltd - New QP 2015QP0026 issuance letter - GNWT Lands - Jun24-15.pdf (226.71 KB) |
Berton Construction & Rentals |
MV2009Q0003 |
MV2009Q0003 - Berton Construction - New QP Application - GNWT Lands - Jun2-15.pdf (199.7 KB) |
Borderline Contracting Ltd O-A 6291 NWT Ltd |
MV2013Q0009 |
MV2013Q0009 - Borderline Contracting - New QP application - Akaitcho Consultation - GNWT Lands - May8-15.pdf (189.12 KB) |
Berton Construction & Rentals |
MV2009Q0003 |
MV2009Q0003 - Berton Construction - Final QP Return 2014QP00004 - Verification - GNWT Lands - Mar31-15.pdf (66.05 KB) |
Borderline Contracting Ltd O-A 6291 NWT Ltd |
MV2013Q0009 |
MV2013Q0009 - Borderline Contracting - Final QP Verification - 2013QP0009 - GNWT Lands - Mar17-15.pdf (57.86 KB) |
Trappers Trucking Ltd. |
MV2009Q0010 |
MV2009Q0010 - Trappers Trucking - Issuance of Quarry Permit 2014QP0044 - GNWT Lands - Aug12-14.pdf (1.43 MB) |
Kenneth Hudson |
MV2012Q0020 |
MV2012Q0020 - Kenneth Hudson - GNWT Lands Issued QP 2014QP0038 - Jul7-14.pdf (272.12 KB) |
Kenneth Hudson |
MV2012Q0020 |
MV2012Q0020 - Ken Hudson - Receipt of QP Application - GNWT Lands - May15-14.pdf (188 KB) |
Berton Construction & Rentals |
MV2009Q0003 |
MV2009Q0003 - Berton Construction - AANDC Issued QP 2014QP0004 - AANDC - Jan21-14.pdf (220.98 KB) |
Berton Construction & Rentals |
MV2009Q0003 |
MV2009Q0030 - Trade Show Direct - Issuance Letter for QP 2013QP0104 - AANDC - Dec17-13.pdf (57.81 KB) |
Berton Construction & Rentals |
MV2009Q0003 |
MV2009Q0003 - Berton Construction - AANDC receipt letter of QP Application - Dec2-13.pdf (183 KB) |
Kenneth Hudson |
MV2012Q0020 |
MV2012Q0020- Ken Hudson - Final Quarry Permit Verification 2012QP0098 - AANDC - Nov20-13.pdf (67.84 KB) |
Berton Construction & Rentals |
MV2009Q0003 |
MV2009Q0003 - Berton Construction - Final Quarry Pit Return 2012QP0097 Verfication - Nov19-13.pdf (66.5 KB) |
Borderline Contracting Ltd O-A 6291 NWT Ltd |
MV2013Q0009 |
MV2013Q0009 - Borderline Contracting - AANDC Issued QP 2013QP0009 - Jul31-13.pdf (220.83 KB) |
Kenneth Hudson |
MV2012Q0020 |
MV2012Q0020 - Kenneth Hudson - AANDC Issued QP 2012QP0098 - Sept21-12.pdf (206.07 KB) |
Berton Construction & Rentals |
MV2009Q0003 |
MV2009Q0003 - Berton Construction - AANDC Issued QP 2012QP0097 - Sept17-12.pdf (206.07 KB) |
Kenneth Hudson |
MV2012Q0020 |
MV2012Q0020 - Kenneth Hudson - AANDC Quarry Permit Application - Aug15-12.pdf (615.34 KB) |
Berton Construction & Rentals |
MV2009Q0003 |
MV2009Q0003 - Berton Construction - New QP Application - Requeset for comments - Jul27-12.pdf (1.59 MB) |
Berton Construction & Rentals |
MV2009Q0003 |
MV2009Q0003 - Berton Construction - Notification of QP Application - AANDC - Jul27-12.pdf (57.6 KB) |
Berton Construction & Rentals |
MV2009Q0003 |
MV2009Q0003 - Quarry Permit - 2011QP0097 - Aug03-11.pdf (237.45 KB) |
Berton Construction & Rentals |
MV2009Q0003 |
MV2009Q0003 - May 7-09 - Environmental Inspection Report - Jul 24-09.pdf (137.72 KB) |