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Land and Water Boards Release new Valley-Wide Policies and Guidlines






Land and Water Boards Release New Valley-Wide Policies and Guidelines


May 16, 2013





May 16, 2013 - The Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board (MVLWB) is pleased to announce the release of a number of new policies and guidelines for application throughout the Mackenzie Valley, namely:


  • •      Engagement and Consultation Policy
  • •      Engagement Guidelines for Applicants and Holders of Water Licences and Land Use Permits (the Engagement Guidelines)
  • •      Standard Land Use Permit Conditions Template
  • •      Standard Process for Creating New Conditions
  • •      Guide to the Land Use Permitting Process
  • •      Water Use Fee Policy



These policies and guidelines join the growing list of MVLWB policy and guideline documents already in effect, including the Water and Effluent Quality Management Policy and the Guidelines for Developing a Waste Management Plan.


The new MVLWB policies and guidelines are approved and implemented under section 106 of the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act(MVRMA). This means they are applicable throughout the Mackenzie Valley and will be implemented by the MVLWB as well as the Gwich’in, Sahtu and Wek’èezhìi Land and Water Boards.


MVLWB Board Chair Willard Hagen commented that:


“Whether you apply to the MVLWB or one of the regional panels, our goal is for consistency in process and transparency in the decision. These products will help us ensure that outcome and they are a part of our ongoing contribution to improving the northern regulatory system. The products will benefit everyone involved.”



The new Engagement and Consultation Policy and supporting Engagement Guidelines for Applicants and Holders of Water Licences and Land Use Permitsprovide direction to proponents of projects in the Mackenzie Valley on the Board’s expectations regarding who they should engage with and how they should engage, both prior to applying to the Board, and during the life cycle of a land use permit or water licence. The Engagement Guidelines reflect current industry best practices, as well as the expectations of Mackenzie Valley communities and Aboriginal organizations/governments consulted by the Board during the development of the Engagement Guidelines. The Policy also describes the Board’s activities in carrying out consultation and how that fits into the bigger picture of Crown consultation.


The Guide to the Land Use Permitting Processwalks proponents through the process of applying for a land use permit from pre-application to post-issuance. This comprehensive guidance document is, for the first time, applicable in all regions of the Mackenzie Valley.


The Standard Land Use Permit Conditions Template is a list of Board standard conditions for land use permits. When developing new land use permits, the Board will use this list as the basis for writing the new permit. This will create certainty and consistency between the conditions applied to projects and regions throughout the Mackenzie Valley. This list will be available on the Board’s website and proponents and reviewers may use the list to make suggestions on what conditions will best suit a new operation.


The Standard Process for Creating New Conditions lays out the process the Board will follow if a new condition is required that is not currently listed in the Standard Land Use Permit Conditions Template. This systematic approach to land use permitting will ensure that the Boards handle all applications with consistency and transparency, and will streamline the process for all parties.


The Water Use Fee Policyclarifies how the Boards calculate water use fees required by the

Northwest Territories Waters Regulations.


The Boards wish to emphasize that, by implementing these products under Section 106 of the MVRMA, the Working Group products apply to all projects throughout the Mackenzie Valley. The products allow enough flexibility to recognize regional differences, while ensuring that the Boards avoid unnecessary inconsistencies.


All of the documents are on the Board’s website For more information about any of the Working Group policies or guidelines, contact Zabey Nevitt, Executive Director of the MVLWB (; 867-766-7457).